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  • Author: Kem-Bee
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 3K
  • 7.3

Xyra Lumina Crescent, first born child to two full-blooded alphas and an alpha female. Xyra was hidden away from her pack, from the outside world and even from herself as she has no idea why she couldn't shift or why she was hidden away in a temple to train, train and train. Far away from her family and younger siblings, Xyra sought freedom and to be able to be with her family. But she is trapped and watched by the ladies of the temple of females. A vision of an attack on her pack forced Xyra to break free in other to save her parents who would die in the attack, and her people who would be taken hostage. Xyra returned home, but she does not just get the easy life she thought she would get. She realizes what life outside the prison of the temple isn't going to be easy at all. A whole new situation in the form of a Lycan king who happens to be her mate and unbelievable threats to her life. ____ ‘What will happen if he finds his mate and she dies?’ I asked the most obvious question. Dad's wolf gave mine a look. ‘Xyra, did you see anything?’ ‘Yes, not clear, but a strong enough warning. He's going to run mad, isn't he?’ ‘All lycans do when they lose their mates. Which is why the goddess restrain from giving them one.’    Which was true. With how easy they lost their minds after losing their erasthasis, it was best they didn't have one. No one wanted a powerful lycan to go wild and wipe out an entire population, just because their soulmate died. It indeed was why they didn't get one too often. In fact, one could stay for a thousand years and not hear of a lycan finding a mate. They usually just fall in love and get married or get married without love. The king was the strongest like I read. If him losing his mate would turn him against the entire population of living creatures, then maybe it is my duty to protect her. Maybe, just maybe this is what I am meant to do.

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  • 👁 1.8K
  • 8.2

In her 20 years of existence, Cindy admired the men described in romance stories in novels. She was a bookworm who wanted to imagine herself as the heroine in the story with a happy ending. As if listening to her prayers, her mom recently got married to an Alpha of the neighboring pack. And his four sons are charming, handsome, and s*xy, just like how she imagined real-life book characters would be like. Even though they are some years older than her, this doesn’t stop them from making them feel less attractive to her. During the mating ball, Cindy finds out that all four of her stepbrothers are her mates. But, she can’t commit the forbidden. No matter how attractive they might be, they are siblings. And she can’t deny this fact. While Cindy was struggling to keep her heart at bay, her brothers were already losing restraint on themselves. Even a small encounter would make their heart flutter like petals in the breeze. Day by day, their sibling status only made them suffer in silence going unnoticed by their parents. Things are set in motion when Tristan, the twin brother of Taylor tries to woo her before her other four brothers, and their jealousy comes into light. Who knew this was just the start of her troubles? When an unknown group of wolves tries to harm Cindy, her life turns upside down. Who are they? Why are they after Cindy? Will her brothers be able to protect her from impending dangers before they find the answers to their questions? While keeping their parents' happiness in mind will they be able to set aside, their identities as siblings and connect emotionally and physically as Mates?

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  • 👁 20.7K
  • 9.4

My name is Katia, and I am just trying to survive until my fated mate arrives. Which may be easier said than done. Rejection is the last straw. Whispering my acceptance of his rejection. I run through the pack house, out across the manicured lawn into the forest. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl," I say to my wolf. I'm sorry you have been stuck with me and have had to suffer everything I have. She whispers," it's not your fault, Katia. We came to a cliff with a waterfall. The hurt keeps pounding at me. I need it to stop. My sweet girl, and I just want peace, I keep running and leap off the cliff. Spreading my arms wide, with tears streaming down my face, I fall, not making a sound, waiting for sweet oblivion where we feel nothing ever again. "I love you, my sweet girl! Until we meet again, "My wolf replied just before we hit the water, "I love you too, Katia. I have never regretted a moment with you." The Snow Moon pack is having their last barbecue of the summer next to the waterfall on their land. The adults are laughing and joking while watching the pups play. The alpha, beta, and gamma are swimming with some of the older children and playing a game of Marco Polo. Someone yells, “Oh my goddess, someone just jumped over the waterfall!" Everyone is frozen as they watch what looks to be a child falling arms spread wide, no one makes a sound. The small body hits the water like a plane crashing into the side of a mountain. The alpha, beta, and gamma, spring into action, swimming towards the area the person went under. The alpha is screaming his wolf is going crazy repeating, “Find her. Find her...find her!" They dive and the beta surfaces with a small person in his arms. Alpha takes the girl from his beta, laying her on the ground. The men are shocked by what they see. She is covered in scars and injuries. Her body is twisted and broken. The Beta asks, "Who could have done this to someone so defenseless?" Alpha drops to his knees, repeating, "MATE...MATE...MATE!"


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