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Liz Barnet

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  • Author: Liz Barnet
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • πŸ‘ 16.5K
  • ⭐ 9.0

"Don't get the ideas that you are ever going to receive anything other than hate from me, Athena. I don't need a mate. I don't need a weak pathetic bond like this to survive," He growled as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and harshly threw me on the bed. I was naked and helpless in front of his menacing eyes. "Sebastian, please don't do this..." "I have purchased you from that auction only because you'll come in use to tame my wolf, and you are nothing but a good that I will use every day and night for my pleasure. And your life in hell starts from today." "Please don't..." I begged but none of my words affected him. I backed away till my body hit against the headboard but he dragged me by my ankles and shredded the last piece of fabric, my panties, and threw it away. After being sold by my parents to auctioneers because of being a wolf-less she-wolf, When fate landed me in my mate's arms from the auction, for once I thought I was finally going to find happiness...someone who'd love me. But it was another hell I landed into. Sebastian Valdez-- was known as the cursed Alpha who killed his own father. Everyone feared him, his barbaric deeds had no bounds, and he did not have a heart. He only had one rule in his life--Thrive in others' pain. But what he did to me was even worse. He snatched my innocence, abused me, r*p*d me every night, hurt me beyond extreme, and left me with only the want to escape from his cage but that was until I got to know what his curse was......

Book cover
  • πŸ‘ 2.8K
  • ⭐ 8.4

What do you do when the man from a one night stand turns out to be your stepbrother? Do you forget that incredible night or…do you commit the same sin again and again? For Jade Evans, caught amidst her mother's new marriage and the turmoil it brings, an alcohol-fueled encounter on the hills leads to a shocking revelation- the stranger she shared an unforgettable night with is none other than her soon-to-be stepbrother. But that's not it- the man she encounters on the wedding day isn't the one she spent that passionate night with. Instead, he's someone closely associated with him. Now that all three of them have to stay under the same roof, surely, nothing can go wrong...right? *** "Remember when you said you'd drink me all up?" I projected my thoughts into his mind, interrupting his stream of thoughts. His body seemed to freeze, his eyes snapping in my direction. "What? Surprised?" I casually brought a piece of toast to my mouth, taking a bite. His jaw clenched visibly, clearly rattled as he lowered the glass without taking a sip, unfastening the first few buttons of his black shirt. F*ck! I wanted to see him just as exposed as that night. As for Chase, he didn't spare me a word. "I've got to admit, Stepbrother," I chuckled inwardly, confident he could hear my thoughts, "You're quite skilled at playing the 'clueless' act. If I hadn't seen your face so clearly, I might've believed that you're not Chase-" "Devon, where's Chase, by the way?" Frank's voice abruptly interrupted, causing me to freeze in place, my eyes shooting towards him. Did he just say... Chase? No way. I must've misheard.


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