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Welcome to the Fantasy Novels page on AlphaNovel! If you're someone who enjoys the enchanting worlds of magic and adventure, then you've come to the right place. We have a vast collection of fantasy books that will transport you to different realms and keep you hooked till the very end. From epic sagas to fast-paced thrillers, we have something for everyone. Our team of experts has curated a list of the best fantasy books that you must add to your reading list. These fantasy novels will take you on a journey through fantastical kingdoms, magical forests, and mythical creatures of your dreams. So, what are you waiting for? Browse through the collection and embark on a journey of a lifetime. Get lost in the pages of our best fantasy books and let your imagination run wild. Don't forget to leave a review and share your thoughts with the AlphaNovel community.

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Tocado Por La Luna

  • 👁 2.1K
  • 9.3

Me llamo Katia e intento sobrevivir hasta que llegue mi pareja. Lo cual puede ser más fácil de decir que de hacer. El rechazo es la gota que colma el vaso. Susurrando mi aceptación de su rechazo. Corro a través de la casa de la manada, a través del cuidado césped hacia el bosque. —Lo siento, mi dulce niña—, le digo a mi lobo —. Siento que te hayas quedado conmigo y que hayas tenido que sufrir todo lo que yo he sufrido. Ella susurra: —No es culpa tuya, Katia. Llegamos a un acantilado con una cascada. El dolor sigue golpeándome. Necesito que pare. Mi dulce niña, y yo sólo queremos paz, sigo corriendo y salto por el acantilado. Abriendo los brazos, con lágrimas cayendo por mi cara, caigo, sin hacer ruido, esperando el dulce olvido donde no sentir nada nunca más. —¡Te quiero, mi dulce niña! Hasta que nos volvamos a ver—, respondió mi lobo justo antes de que cayéramos al agua. —Yo también te quiero, Katia. Nunca me he arrepentido de un momento contigo. La manada Luna de Nieve está celebrando su última barbacoa del verano junto a la cascada de sus tierras. Los adultos ríen y bromean mientras ven jugar a los cachorros. Los alfa, beta y gamma están nadando con algunos de los niños mayores y jugando a Marco Polo. Alguien grita: —¡Dios mío, alguien acaba de saltar por la cascada! Todos se quedan helados al ver caer lo que parece ser un niño con los brazos abiertos, nadie hace ruido. El pequeño cuerpo golpea el agua como un avión que se estrella contra la ladera de una montaña. El alfa, beta, y gamma, entran en acción, nadando hacia el área donde la persona se hundió. El alfa grita y su lobo enloquece repitiendo: —¡Encuéntrenla! Encuéntrenla... ¡encuéntrenla! Se sumergen y el beta sale a la superficie con una pequeña persona en brazos. El alfa le quita la niña a su beta y la tumba en el suelo. Los hombres se sorprenden por lo que ven. Está llena de cicatrices y heridas. Su cuerpo está retorcido y roto. El beta pregunta: —¿Quién ha podido hacerle esto a alguien tan indefenso? El Alfa cae de rodillas, repitiendo: —¡MATE...MATE...MATE!

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Moon Touched

  • 👁 20.6K
  • 9.3

My name is Katia, and I am just trying to survive until my fated mate arrives. Which may be easier said than done. Rejection is the last straw. Whispering my acceptance of his rejection. I run through the pack house, out across the manicured lawn into the forest. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl," I say to my wolf. I'm sorry you have been stuck with me and have had to suffer everything I have. She whispers," it's not your fault, Katia. We came to a cliff with a waterfall. The hurt keeps pounding at me. I need it to stop. My sweet girl, and I just want peace, I keep running and leap off the cliff. Spreading my arms wide, with tears streaming down my face, I fall, not making a sound, waiting for sweet oblivion where we feel nothing ever again. "I love you, my sweet girl! Until we meet again, "My wolf replied just before we hit the water, "I love you too, Katia. I have never regretted a moment with you." The Snow Moon pack is having their last barbecue of the summer next to the waterfall on their land. The adults are laughing and joking while watching the pups play. The alpha, beta, and gamma are swimming with some of the older children and playing a game of Marco Polo. Someone yells, “Oh my goddess, someone just jumped over the waterfall!" Everyone is frozen as they watch what looks to be a child falling arms spread wide, no one makes a sound. The small body hits the water like a plane crashing into the side of a mountain. The alpha, beta, and gamma, spring into action, swimming towards the area the person went under. The alpha is screaming his wolf is going crazy repeating, “Find her. Find her...find her!" They dive and the beta surfaces with a small person in his arms. Alpha takes the girl from his beta, laying her on the ground. The men are shocked by what they see. She is covered in scars and injuries. Her body is twisted and broken. The Beta asks, "Who could have done this to someone so defenseless?" Alpha drops to his knees, repeating, "MATE...MATE...MATE!"

Book cover

Doctor of Darkness - Cold as Ice

  • 👁 250
  • 8.4

Selena supposedly had it all: a career as a surgeon, money, a whole life ahead of her, far away from her own traumatic past! Until the day she was accused of murdering her own grandparents. Her reputation is destroyed. Although she is innocent and was cleared by the court - modern society does not forget. A few years later, she's working as a doctor in an emergency room for the poor and homeless, surrounded daily by the best that London's streets have to offer. Plagued by the nightmares of her past, the night shift there is all that gives her life any meaning now. At least until a man walks into her emergency room, who seems to be out of this world. This one encounter, in the middle of the night, would change her life and draw her into a world she thought only Hollywood could invent. Hired by 2 vampires and a werewolf, Selena becomes overnight the personal castle doctor for the human and supernatural inhabitants - who the lords of the castle want to be well looked after at all times. Dragan von Sternberg has searched half of London for a doctor who can look after his family and employees, before they all run away in droves. But no one can withstand the overpowering aura of him and his two closest friends. Everyone runs away in fear - except her. A beautiful, blonde doctor who seems to live like an angel in the swamp. She is not afraid, she counters and she cares. In just a few moments, Doctor Selena Darvis wins over Dragan, who, with over 800 years of life experience, is not often impressed. He wants her and soon he needs her - because unusual occurrences in the supernatural world are soon to take on greater dimensions and in the end humans and vampires are both in danger - unless everyone starts fighting!
