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  • Author: S. Wills
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 2K
  • 8.5

«¿Y si te dijera que vas a conocer al más apuesto de todo un reino de hombres lobo? No cualquier hombre, sino el Alfa heredero al trono, y tú serás su futura esposa». Anne Marie Delacroix, Condesa de Holst, ha recibido esta sorprendente propuesta de los emisarios del reino Lycan. Es la oportunidad perfecta para escapar de su pasado y ser libre, dejando atrás un reino que la aborrece debido a su reciente divorcio. Sin embargo, pronto descubre que el hombre de sus sueños no es tan perfecto como se lo habían descrito. El Alfa Gael Blackwood carga con una maldición que lo ha dejado ciego, lo que ha hecho que todas las mujeres del reino que antes lo amaban por su incomparable belleza ahora lo desprecien. Ninguna está dispuesta a casarse con un hombre discapacitado. Aunque a la Condesa poco le importa si Gael es ciego, siempre y cuando sea tan guapo como se lo han descrito, accede sin pensarlo mucho a ir con los emisarios y conocer a su futuro esposo. En el camino hacia el reino Lycan, son atacados por tropas enemigas y su carruaje cae en un pantano oscuro que los absorbe por completo, poniendo en peligro la vida de Anne Marie. En ese momento desesperado, un lobo blanco gigante y malhumorado aparece de la nada para salvarla. Para su sorpresa, este lobo resulta ser Gael, el Alfa. Una noche a solas en el bosque es suficiente para encender la llama del amor entre ellos, superando todas las barreras y prejuicios. A pesar de las dificultades y los obstáculos que enfrentan, su amor florece y se fortalece con cada desafío que superan juntos.

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  • 👁 2.7K
  • 8.7

Jesse is a normal girl from a f*ck*d-up family. The only thing she wants is freedom. Casimir, the dark and ruthless Wolf King, reigns in the protected, underground dens of the wolf world. He holds the power to compel anyone--human, or wolf--to do as he commands. Now, he needs a new mate, because the previous two killed themselves. After watching Casimir steal the minds and wills of the other women who have been kidnapped along with Jesse as potential mates, she knows he is even more powerful than the urban legends she's heard. Fearing that if the Wolf King touches her with his power she'll lose herself forever, Jesse makes a decision: She offers to submit to Casimir's dominance, to make herself his slave, to bear his heir... and to live. (Which is more than any of his previous mates managed.) But in return, he must vow to never use that compulsion on her. Fascinated, both by her boldness, and by the surge in his power when she willingly offers herself, Casimir takes her as his newest mate. But Casimir isn't the only wolf who wants Jesse. While Jesse's will to resist Casimir is eroded by the sizzling chemistry between them, she's also drawn by the tender safety offered by a much less powerful wolf. A wolf that Casimir would kill if he had any clue the male cared for Jesse. As she navigates the brutal world of the wolves, Jesse may submit to Casimir in body, but she stays strong in her mind and heart. Will Casimir break Jesse just as he broke two mates before her? Or, will Jesse flee with another wolf and leave Casimir forever? Has the Wolf King finally met his match?

Book cover
  • Author: Harley Z.
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 8.7K
  • 8.9

"Listen up everyone!" I yelled to gain everyone's attention "Your trainer Antony, is going to be gone for the foreseeable future. YOU lucky ladies have the pleasure to be trained by me. Antony is a nursery teacher compared to the hell you will soon be facing by me" I stated authoritatively. "Little girl I have morning shits bigger than you" yelled a testosterone-induced joke from the back causing snickers to erupt throughout the crowd. "Then I'd suggest eating more greens and lessening up on protein and testosterone. You know that sh*t causes your willy to shrink up and fall off right" I retorted. I watched the man turn purple with rage before charging towards the stage. Immediately taking a side stance I prepare to take the idiot Alpha 'gracefully'.  Kicking off the stage I performed my perfect Tornado barrel kick to the dumbass's head. Connecting with a loud crack and landing gracefully on my feet bowing to my audience of alphas, knowing full well that alpha is not getting up for a while. "Any more volunteers?" I said smugly. "Nope, alrighty then. So, going forward I am not someone to mess with. I do not take lightly to those who challenge me, and I do not respond to assholes who think little ladies belong barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. If you have those prejudices, I am more than willing to clear those thoughts from your head. And for jackasses like this one, off your head. Do I make myself clear?" Gabriella's family was cursed as she puts it. She cannot be commanded by any Alpha and for that, she cannot belong to any pack. From an early age, her father and 6 older brothers taught her how to fight. She excelled in multiple forms of martial arts and finally of age was allowed a position as the head female warrior trainer at the Academy. The Academy was the starting ground for all Alphas and potential Lunas, as well as many of the lead warriors and head leadership for various packs around the area. Gabriella's older brother Antony plans to have her take over his class so he can continue his traveling training program, with his secret mission to find his mate. Uninterested and not caring about finding a mate she excitedly agrees unknowingly she would be challenged beyond compare. Forced to bring together the factions of the underworld Gabi, her family, and friends she meets along the way struggle to gain control of the underworld and bring everyone under one leadership. !!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!!!!!!!!!!! This book contains LOTS of scenes that are not appropriate for all viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. There are scenes of lots of sexual content and plenty of aggressive and death scenes. Please much of this book can and will be triggering to some. Please if you are triggered easily do not read.


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