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Jessica Hall

  • 👁 680.5K
  • 9.0
  • 📚 31

About me

Dark Paranormal Romance Writer 🔥🖤 International Best Seller 📚 Mother of 5 and Australian Fb:Jessica Hall Author Page Insta:


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  • 👁 68.9K
  • 8.8

Tempting Darkness Darkness Series Book 1 Nothing in our world is humane and normal. Especially not my mates. First, they killed my parents. So, I did the most rational thing at the time. I ran. Hard and fast without ever looking back. But you can't run from the factions of the Fae, especially not them. Fae were the most powerful creatures in the world, as long as we had magic and our mate. Turns out I have not one mate but four. Not one of my four mates was a good option, each one as brutal and cruel as the other. Darius was a Demonic-Fae, Tobias Vampiric-Fae, then there is Lycus, he is a Were-Fae, and let's not forget Kalen, Pure and devastatingly all Dark-Fae. They were all as cruel and brutal as each other and wanted to destroy me. Now, I find myself at a crossroads, as I am being hunted by werewolves in an unfamiliar city, and I had to weigh up my options, both unappealing. However, Low on magic and backed into a corner where I feel like I've got nothing left to lose but my life, I decided to run to the very men I spent six years running from. I do the unthinkable. I send out a flare of my magic, an SOS, to the very men I hide from. It doesn’t take long before I realize some things are worse than death. Like being forced into a bond with the men who had ruined my life. The men who wanted to destroy me, to claim me, to keep me. There was just one thing that they had forgotten. I was part of the darkness, too. And if they want to tempt darkness, they will eventually taste it, and nothing tastes sweeter than revenge. Hello Lovely Readers This book may contain content some readers may find triggering. It is a dark paranormal romance, and the four main male leads are brutal toward the female lead. Some may have noticed I said four Male leads. As most of my readers know, I primarily write reverse harem romances, meaning one woman with multiple love interests. No, she doesn’t have to choose between them—a list of some triggers you may find in the book below. Degradation, Blood Play, Abuse, Dub-con, torture. Non-con, Humiliation. This is a dark Fae-Creatures book loosely using the term Fae as there are different variants of Fae. However, Dark Fae is not your average Tinkerbell. There is no sprinkling of pixie dust, unicorn farts, or spreading the skies in rainbows. My characters are darker and crueler, with no limits. So if you are unfamiliar with Dark Paranormal Romance and Reverse Harem, or even slightly confused still, I suggest you give old google a search. If you're okay with the dark stuff and wish to continue reading, well, jump right in for a stomach-dropping, intense ride, and I will see your lovely dark souls on the other side.

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  • 👁 21.8K
  • 8.9

Lana POV Today was our sixteenth birthday and of all the days my brother Alpha Ryker had to call an Alpha meeting on his twin sister’s birthday. To say we were p*ss*d off was an understatement. Arial and I watched from the upstairs window as Alpha’s from all over filed out of their cars before being greeted by our father and Ryker. My twin sister Arial hated the meetings just as much as me. It was one thing being twins, it was another being Lycan hybrid twins, and we always found that we copped the most stares. Once we came of age and didn’t get our wolves or shift, we knew we differed from our brother. Our mother was a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess, therefore, so are we. Our brother inherited most of our father’s traits, he shifted when he was twelve and was what we call an early bloomer, but he didn’t share my mother’s Hybrid gene. Yes, he was a direct descendant like us, but for some reason he only received certain traits while my sister and I were exactly like our mother. We had no wolves and were half vampire and half Lycan. We were both saddened when we didn't get our wolves. Ryker always spoke of how much he loved his wolf growing up. But we still had each other. Being twins means you always have another half, a best friend for life, and my sister and I were incredibly close. So close, my mother sometimes had trouble telling us apart, the only giveaway being that our scents were different slightly.

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  • 👁 1.8K
  • 9.7

Returning home after work, Fallon discovers her father unconscious and their house overrun by men she doesn’t know. The stakes are high, and the odds are stacked against her: her younger sister is on the brink of death, needing expensive medical treatment they can’t afford. Driven by desperation, their father attempted the unthinkable—robbing the casino where Fallon works, only to fail disastrously. Leone Pressutti instills fear in anyone who crosses him. Five years passed with her working for him, yet she remained unnoticed until now. Fallon’s boss is a notorious man in the underworld with a chilling proposition. He offers Fallon a dangerous chance to save her family: compete in and win a high-stakes poker game, and he will cover her sister’s medical expenses. Her freedom and her sister’s life hang in the balance. But there’s a catch—if Fallon loses, her father pays with his life, and she becomes Leone’s. Fallon believes it’s an easy win; she is no amateur and has one skill she thinks Leone doesn’t know about–counting cards. Fallon steps into the dangerous world of underground poker, where each hand brings her closer to salvation or ruin. As she nears the last table, Fallon finds herself drawn into a more complex game than ever imagined. The final hurdle? A showdown against Leone himself, where she learns the bitter truth: in this game of power and seduction, the house always wins. The game had ended, but for Fallon, a new captivity began—Fallon’s fate is sealed—she was undeniably, irrevocably, Leone’s.

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  • 👁 4.1K
  • 9.3

Cuando era niña, mi abuela me contaba cuentos. Por aquel entonces, nunca les di mucha importancia. Pensaba que eran sólo eso... cuentos. Al crecer, pronto me di cuenta de que no eran fantasías elevadas ni cuentos de hadas, sino recuerdos de su pasado, recuerdos de nuestros antepasados antes de que nuestro mundo se convirtiera en una mierda. Verás, lo que procede de la leyenda, por exagerada que llegue a ser la historia, siempre tiene una pizca de verdad. Sólo hay que separar la ficción de la realidad. Mi abuela solía contarme historias del Elegido, el que nos salvaría a todos. Cuando era más joven, solía creer que lo que me contaba era cierto. Con el tiempo, nacería alguien, tal y como predijo el Oráculo, alguien capaz de salvar nuestras almas y devolvernos la magia. Cuando crecí y vi cómo se desarrollaba el mundo a mi alrededor, dejé de creer en la salvación. El elegido parecía más una plegaria que una realidad. Algún sueño que deseábamos desesperadamente que se hiciera realidad. Algo en lo que necesitábamos encontrar esperanza cuando ya no quedaba ninguna. Cuando nuestros antepasados nos dieron la espalda, ¿cómo se esperaba que creyéramos en esa supuesta salvación? Sobre todo cuando todo lo que presenciábamos era muerte y masacre desde la gran guerra. Nada excepto dolor y pobreza. Yo solía creer en las historias y rezaba por el misterioso elegido que libraría a nuestro mundo de su maldad. Ahora, sin embargo, lo veo como lo que realmente es, sólo un sueño de esperanza. Un cuento de hadas inalcanzable. Una historia para crear esperanza. La esperanza es peligrosa; te hace creer que las cosas mejorarán. Dejé de aferrarme a la esperanza cuando fui testigo directo de que no causaba más que angustia.

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  • 👁 39.2K
  • 8.7

When I was a child, my grandma used to tell me stories. At the time, I never gave them much thought. Thinking they were just that… stories. Growing up, I soon realized that they weren’t lofty fantasies and fairy tales but memories of her past, memories of our ancestors before our world turned to sh*t. You see, what comes from legend, no matter how exaggerated the story becomes, there is always a sliver of truth. You just need to weed out the fiction from fact. My grandmother used to tell me stories of the Chosen One—the one who would save us all. When I was younger, I used to believe that what she said was true. Eventually, someone would be born, just as the Oracle predicted—someone who could save our souls and bind us back to our magic. Once I grew up and saw the world unfolding around me, I no longer believed in salvation. The chosen one seemed to be more of a prayer than reality. Some dream we wanted desperately to come true. Something in which we needed to find hope when there wasn’t any left. When our ancestors turned their backs on us, how were we expected to believe in this so-called salvation? Especially when all we witnessed was death and carnage ever since the great war. Nothing except pain and poverty. I used to believe the stories and used to pray for the mysterious chosen one that would rid our world of its evil. Now, though, I see it for what it really is, just a dream of hope. Some out of reach fairy-tale. A story to create hope. Hope is dangerous; it makes you believe things will get better. I stopped hanging on to hope when I witnessed firsthand that it caused nothing but heartache.

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  • 👁 20.7K
  • 8.5

My name is enough to send most people running. Those that don’t are fools, and for that, they will feel my wrath. I am the King of Darkness. The Dark Tribrid is what they call me. Destruction is what I am, what I bring, and what I am known for. Countries have fallen by my hands. A world changed by me and the blood I have spilled. People now fear the dark, fear the Dark Ones. My mother thought she was protecting me by keeping my magic from me. That betrayal is what hurt the most. She took a piece of me, and I nearly killed her for it. Growing up, I knew I was different. My outlook on life was different. My childhood was filled with love and everything a child could desire. But despite my upbringing, I always felt like I was lacking something. Something vital was missing from my life. From the outside, we appeared to be the perfect family. Our lives were great until I turned sixteen, and I came back into possession of my magic. The darkness s*ck*d all parts of me away until I became the person I am today. I used to fear the darkness, now I embrace it. For decades, I roamed the Earth, struggling to find meaning, and that was how I stumbled across my mates. At first, they feared me. By then, everyone had heard my name, not a country left intact as I made my way through each one, trying to figure out my purpose. I met Ryland first. He was just as sadistic as me and a werewolf. We continued our reign of terror until we met our other mate. I was hoping for a woman, not that I was uncomfortable with my sexuality. It is what it is. I would f*ck anything with legs to fulfill my needs and my mates. Orion was different, weaker. He disagreed with my past and the things we had done. He was much older than both of us and knew of my grandfather. Orion is a vampire and a little old-fashioned, but he is mine even though he annoys and frustrates me. He hated me at first, but he came to see reason. He has remained by my side, even when he disagrees, trying to talk me down and change me. Yet, now I think he has given up. Then, there is her. I thought I was complete until I met her. Evelyn Harper, the light in my darkness. I want her, crave her. She is a human and perfectly made for us. Evelyn is everything I never realized I desired, and exactly what I was searching for. The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she would be ours. She just didn’t know it.

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  • 👁 18.4K
  • 9.5

Fight between Alphas Today was our sixteenth birthday and of all the days my brother Alpha Ryker had to call an Alpha meeting on his twin sister’s birthday. To say we were p*ss*d off was an understatement. Arial and I watched from the upstairs window as Alpha’s from all over filed out of their cars before being greeted by our father and Ryker. My twin sister Arial hated the meetings just as much as me. It was one thing being twins, it was another being Lycan hybrid twins, and we always found that we copped the most stares. Once we came of age and didn’t get our wolves or shift, we knew we differed from our brother. Our mother was a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess, therefore, so are we. Our brother inherited most of our father’s traits, he shifted when he was twelve and was what we call an early bloomer, but he didn’t share my mother’s Hybrid gene. Yes, he was a direct descendant like us, but for some reason he only received certain traits while my sister and I were exactly like our mother. We had no wolves and were half vampire and half Lycan. We were both saddened when we didn't get our wolves. Ryker always spoke of how much he loved his wolf growing up. But we still had each other. Being twins means you always have another half, a best friend for life, and my sister and I were incredibly close. So close, my mother sometimes had trouble telling us apart, the only giveaway being that our scents were different slightly.


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