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Rivean: Away from Home

  • Genre: Romance
  • Author: Em Jay
  • Chapters: 73
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 9.7K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


BEYOND SPACE BOOK 3 (Can be read as a stand-alone) War hero Rivean and Bounty Hunter Nadia cross paths, Nadia who will do almost anything for money, and Rivean who is honor bound. They find themselves stuck together in a mission. Is there more to them? Is there light in the rough Nadia? Is there darkness in the duty-bound Rivean? The lone survivor stared out at the carnage, a wind whipping over the barren moon, as she looked out over the destruction, a dent in her armor. Her hair tucked away in a braid, a scar over the bridge of her nose and under her neck. An image flickered, making her look down. "I see you live up to your name, Conqueror," the man said. The image flickered again.

Chapter 1

The lone survivor stared out at the carnage, a wind whipping over the barren moon, as she looked out over the destruction, a dent in her armor.

Her hair tucked away in a braid, a scar over the bridge of her nose and under her neck. An image flickered, making her look down.

"I see you live up to your name, Conqueror," the man said.

The image flickered again.

Nadia just nodded. "I've completed the job. I trust my payment will be in my account?"

A chime indicated the funds had reached her making her lips tilt up in satisfaction. "Nice doing business with you," she said, the image disappearing.

Nadia took out her remote, summoning her ship.

"Gotta get off this godforsaken moon," she murmured.

• • •

Nadia threw back a mug of beer, squinting to see the board. Nothing of interest.

"D*mn Iohirian Pest," the creed murmured beside her.

She paused. "Did you say Iohirian?" She asked.

The Creed sneered. "What of it?"

Nadia sat back, a smile tugging at her lips. "Can't a girl take an interest in current events?"

The Creed narrowed his eyes. "When humans take an interest...things come to ruin."

Nadia's eyes narrowed as she shrugged flippantly. "That's true. Hey, didn't your race commit mass genocide? We're a little too alike for your tone to be reviling, don't you think?"


Nadia raised her hands in surrender smirking. "Hey hey, buddy I'm just saying. We're both the last few of our kinds. No need to go extinct, huh?"

The Creed sneered getting up to leave.

"Another," Nadia ordered, the bartender set another mug in front of her.

"When will you stop funding my substance abuse issues," Nadia smirked at the woman in the mask who served her drinks.

She winked. "I'll stop funding you when you stop funding me. You're basically keeping this place running. My best customer . Don't know what I'd do with you,"

Nadia looked out at the crowded bar. "I think you'd get along."

She leaned over the hot mug smirking. "Tell me, D. Help me out. You got something better than what's on that board?"

Demon looked between her eyes. "Another job already? That last mission should've brought you millions."

Nadia smirked, with a narrow of her eyes. She bought the mug to her lips, pausing. "Counting my change, Demon?"

"Just to see what you have to spare," Demon smirked back.

Nadia chuckled. "Come on. You got anything?"

Demon sighed. "Don't you think you should take a break? I can't need money. Work yourself to death, the way your going. Why don't you take a vacation-"

Nadia sat back staring at her. "First my money, then my mental. You gonna be my old lady, demon? Keep me in line and home with the kids?"

At the edge in her voice, Demon sighed, changing the subject, focusing on her original question.

"That's all I got Nadia, sorry."

Nadia drank back her beer, slamming it down. She sighed, standing.

"Eh," Nadia shrugged, putting some bills on the counter. "See ya around, D."

She stepped out on the cold air, the neon sign for the bar illuminated, the M and S faint and flickering giving off a tired buzz.

Snow crunched under her boot, as she half stumbled away from the bar.

She sighed her breath visible as she cursed. She hated the cold. She shivered cursing.

"F*ck. Colder than a witches tit out here," she murmured, kicking snow forward with her boot.

She walked to her ship, passing a man. A strand of long striking black hair against the white background of the moon caught her eye.

She glanced over, finding golden eyes glittering back at her. Their eyes met, as they went different ways. He put his head down, and so did she, as she reached her ship's entrance.

Chapter 2

Rivean opened the door to the bar, letting the hood on his head fall upon his entrance. He sat down at the bar looking around none too discreetly.

"Don't see you much around these parts," D said softly. "What'll it be?"

Rivean smiled softly. "I'm looking for someone. Goes by the name...Conqueror?"

D's smile dropped. "Heh. Never heard of it."

Rivean blinked, shuffling a bit closer. "So you're close. I don't mean them harm. I just have some questions, that's all."

D clenched her jaw. "Look around, kid. This look like a place for questions?"

Rivean took her advice, looking around the crowded bar. An assortment of people from all galaxy's rowdy, loud and violent.

He just smiled, looking back at her. "Then...perhaps you can answer my questions? I'm in need of some information."

"Depends on what you wanna know. Information


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