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Strong Girl

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  • 👁 11.7K
  • 10.0

LIBRO UNO DE LA COALESCENCIA DE LOS CINCO. Tras ser rechazada por cinco compañeros, Gamma Lucianne suplicó a la Diosa de la Luna que la librara de más uniones. Para su consternación, ha sido unida por sexta vez. Lo peor es que su sexta pareja es la criatura más poderosa que gobierna a todos los hombres lobo y licántropos: el mismísimo Rey Licántropo. Está segura, completamente segura, de que el rechazo llegará tarde o temprano, aunque espera que sea antes. El Rey Alexandar estaba extasiado de conocer a su pareja, y no podía agradecer lo suficiente a su Diosa por regalarle a alguien tan perfecto. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que este regalo es reacio a aceptarlo y está más que dispuesto a romper su vínculo. Intenta conectar con ella, pero parece estar muy lejos. Está desesperado por intimar con ella, pero ella parece reacia a abrirse a él. Intenta decirle que está dispuesto a comprometerse con ella para el resto de su vida, pero ella no parece creerle. Él suplica una oportunidad: una oportunidad para conocerla; una oportunidad para demostrarle que él es diferente; y una oportunidad para amarla. Pero cuando los enamoramientos no tan sutiles, los pretendientes celosos, los aspirantes a reina con pretensiones, un antiguo amor, un protector silencioso y un compromiso matrimonial pasado amenazan con poner en peligro su relación, ¿seguirán Lucianne y Xandar juntos? ¿Será su amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para superarlo todo y a todos? ¿O recurrirá Lucianne a soportar un sexto rechazo de la única persona a la que creía que podía confiar su corazón?

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  • 👁 95.6K
  • 10.0

BOOK ONE of COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with? *** BOOK TWO: The Rogues Who Went Rogue

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  • Author: Simran
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 1.2K
  • 9.7

Temptation. The desire which is not easy to resist, is called Temptation. *** Cyrus Knight The Billionaire businessman who is popular in the whole country for being the biggest playboy. He is an infamous heartbreaker of the nation. He is very selfish, self centered, egoistic and stubborn person. He doesn’t like anything going against his will. If he wants something then he gets it at any cost. He can go to any lengths to get whatever it is that he desires. And he desires Natalie Miller. She caught his attention when she was attending his birthday party and now he wanted to see her on his bed shivering under him. But she refused him and he didn’t like that at all. Natalie Miller is step daughter of millionaire businessman Edwin Miller who is nothing but a money hungry man. Despite coming from such a rich family and having everything one could ever desire, Natalie is a girl who has seen and faced the worst in her short twenty four years of life. Everything which is difficult for you and me to even imagine. Still she was living her life while going with the flow waiting for the day when her miseries are finally going to end until she met Cyrus Knight. She didn’t know that he is going to become another nightmare in her life that she will be living with everyday. They were complete opposite but he didn’t care. He just wanted to fulfill his newly ignited desires, which were the result of the insults she threw at him, hurting his ego. Now his bruised pride wanted to take revenge on her for insulting him. His temptation to have her and make her his, to ruin her in every way possible encouraged him to go all out and he did. He got married with her, promising her to make rest of her life a living hell. Is his temptation going to break her beyond repair or will their story going to have an unpredictable twist in its plot?

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  • 👁 4.3K
  • 9.7

Emmi Solace - Daughter of Candice and sister of Jamie. Emmi has spent the first twenty-three years of her life feeling like she was in prison within her city. With guards at her back, she visits only a few places which she is allowed to. With the strict rules comes knowing eyes. Everyone in the places she visits knows precisely who the princess is. With the watchful eyes of others, Emmi finds no escape, as every moment is reported back. Every person she tries to connect with pushes her away. Her family saw her as a weakness and always had. When their city began to fall, they agreed with the Wolversons that they would give up their daughter to marry one of their sons, seeing it as a way to free them of the burden of having a girl. Emmi, strong-willed and unafraid to fight for her freedom, steps into the Wolverson's city and quickly realises just how different it is from her city. Dante Wolverson is seen as the one in charge, broken from the past and what he witnessed. He tries running his city the way his father did and is happy to achieve results, even if it is through bloodshed. He protests having Emmi within their city and their home, but the alternative is far worse. Will his thoughts on the princess change once he realises she isn't as weak as their sister once was? Zane Wolverson - Sweetheart and loving. Zane is the one who calls Emmi by her name, not pet names, and he doesn't like calling her Princess like so many would to belittle her. Yet Zane's past has left scars that Emmi one day sees herself. With the feeling of not deserving love, he walks a fine line between reality and disaster. He is known as the angel of death, as while he is the calm one when he loses control, he sees nothing. Hears nothing and stops for nothing. He spends his time fighting in an underground fight club to release the hate that he holds inside himself. Which side will Emmi receive? The sweet-loving Zane, or the beast? Bear Wolverson - Biker and fighter. Bear is known for taking no-nonsense just as Emmi finds out the first night she sneaks into their city to try to have some fun. Bear's only real fear is that Emmi will be their downfall after the brothers nearly lost everything over the recent years of disaster. Yet, Emmi seems to warm him and make him want to spend time with her. Gunner Wolverson - Crazy he may be, and he may love the world of torture but for Emmi? There is a side of him that she sees. Gunner is known as the person who will slowly kill a man for information. Pain is his pleasure, and how will Emmi cope with him? Emmi sees Gunner as her 'Big Psychotic Bastard' crazed and ready for bloodshed, he welcomes it. So, which of the brothers will Emmi find herself marrying? Will she choose, and just how many secrets are her family hiding from her? Just how far will her family go to take down the Wolversons, even if it means their own daughter is destroyed and killed in the process? The Wolversons have lost too much already, so once Emmi has their hearts, they fight to save her more than they have ever fought to save themselves. Two cities, and two families, are at war, and only one will survive. Only one can be the rulers. WARNING! This story contains scenes that can be triggering and distressing. The book contains scenes of torture, blood, murder, and more. The book contains scenes of BDSM, MFM, M/MFM/M. This is your only warning, please do not proceed if you are light-hearted, don't like swearing, or the word Cu*t which does appear throughout the book!
