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  • 👁 5.9K
  • 10.0

— ¿Tuviste novio? —Stefan me mordisqueó la oreja, volviéndome loca. —Hmm— Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo se estremeciera de excitación. — ¿Te acostaste con él?— La voz ronca de Riven llegó desde mi lado, sus manos recorrían mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. —Noo...— Mi voz era jadeante, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó sobre el pecho de Stefan. —No te preocupes, ¡te lo vamos a sacar del cuerpo! —prometió Kevin con su seductora y profunda voz. . Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Zafiro Oscuro para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo marido, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Zafiro Oscuro es una de las más ricas y el Alfa Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. Los famosos alfas trillizos. Por alguna razón desconocida, los trillizos siempre despreciaron a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de convertir su vida en un infierno cuando entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará ella cuando sepa que los Trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los trillizos intenten convencerla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Será capaz de domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por culpa de uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que a su alrededor hay zorros disfrazados de hombres lobo que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (sólo para mayores de 18 años)

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  • 👁 118.5K
  • 10.0

“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)

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  • Author: Darma Day
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 55.1K
  • 9.7

Isla- a young, and underestimated warrior. After surviving years of traumatic abuse, she is left orphaned, and alone. She strives to prove to herself, and others, that she is not weak. Though she is beautiful and strong years of psychological abuse, she doesn’t believe she is worthy of love, or that the Moon Goddess will grant her a fated mate. Alpha Zac is the fair and strong leader of Clear Creek. Secretly a hopeless romantic, Zac wants his fated mate more than anything. But after waiting years to find her, he has accepted a playboy lifestyle. When a unique she-wolf warrior joins his pack, she does more than fulfill his fantasies, and she tests how far he will go to protect her from her past. “WEAK” he yells as he swiftly brings the whip at me. I quickly try to cover my face but am not fast enough. I hiss in pain as the unforgiving leather slices my hand and eyebrow. I try to swallow the sob that wants to escape me, but instead, I throw up. Maybe he would have stopped there if I would have missed his boots.** (ISLA) I feel a pang of jealousy; she has what I've always wanted. A loving family, support, friends, and stability. Audrie doesn't have to question if she belongs here or try to prove her worth. (ZAC)My whole chest tightens, and my wolf presses forward. “MATE”. The urgency to hold her, to take away the pain, intensifies. I reach out and lift her head, and that's when I see the gash trickling blood onto the already blood-covered rock. I scoop her up and head straight to the infirmary. I just found my mate, I can't lose her on the same night.
