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Best Romance Novels


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  • Author: Simran
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 1.6K
  • 9.7

Temptation. The desire which is not easy to resist, is called Temptation. *** Cyrus Knight The Billionaire businessman who is popular in the whole country for being the biggest playboy. He is an infamous heartbreaker of the nation. He is very selfish, self centered, egoistic and stubborn person. He doesn’t like anything going against his will. If he wants something then he gets it at any cost. He can go to any lengths to get whatever it is that he desires. And he desires Natalie Miller. She caught his attention when she was attending his birthday party and now he wanted to see her on his bed shivering under him. But she refused him and he didn’t like that at all. Natalie Miller is step daughter of millionaire businessman Edwin Miller who is nothing but a money hungry man. Despite coming from such a rich family and having everything one could ever desire, Natalie is a girl who has seen and faced the worst in her short twenty four years of life. Everything which is difficult for you and me to even imagine. Still she was living her life while going with the flow waiting for the day when her miseries are finally going to end until she met Cyrus Knight. She didn’t know that he is going to become another nightmare in her life that she will be living with everyday. They were complete opposite but he didn’t care. He just wanted to fulfill his newly ignited desires, which were the result of the insults she threw at him, hurting his ego. Now his bruised pride wanted to take revenge on her for insulting him. His temptation to have her and make her his, to ruin her in every way possible encouraged him to go all out and he did. He got married with her, promising her to make rest of her life a living hell. Is his temptation going to break her beyond repair or will their story going to have an unpredictable twist in its plot?

Book cover
  • Author: Menot13
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 405
  • 9.7

"Will you marry me?" Axton suddenly said, causing Emily to hold her breath for a few seconds before widening her eyes. "What? Marry you?" Emily asked to confirm, making Axton nod. However, Emily burst into laughter, even though it felt awkward. "You're joking, right? This must be impossible. How could you ask me to marry you? I thought this was just a sign that you're frustrated and making impulsive decisions like this," Emily said, making Axton shake his head. "Do I look like I'm joking with such a serious face like this? Besides, it's not April Fools' Day. There's no reason for me to lie to you," Axton said, making Emily immediately stand up from her seat. "No, no, no. I think you've come to the wrong person. How could you come to your ex-wife's best friend to propose marriage? You don't want to ruin our friendship, do you?" Emily asked, making Axton sigh deeply. "Because you're the only one who can understand, and by marrying you, Grace will realize her mistake," Axton said, leaving Emily speechless. Emily didn't know whether Grace and Axton were aware of her feelings or not. What she was sure of was that, over the years, she had successfully hidden her feelings well, keeping her admiration and love for Axton, her best friend's husband, to herself. Emily didn't know when those feelings had emerged. She also didn't know why those emotions suddenly filled her heart, unstoppable and undeniable. Now, Axton had proposed to her for a clichéd reason, to make Grace divorce Ethan, and Emily had reluctantly accepted. Despite facing Grace's anger for being perceived as a traitor, Emily went along with the decision. But Emily knew that this wouldn't be smooth sailing, as she had finally set some conditions for Axton. "All right, I accept your proposal, but with a few conditions," Emily's decision marked the beginning of their love story.

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  • 👁 2.1K
  • 9.4

Me llamo Katia e intento sobrevivir hasta que llegue mi pareja. Lo cual puede ser más fácil de decir que de hacer. El rechazo es la gota que colma el vaso. Susurrando mi aceptación de su rechazo. Corro a través de la casa de la manada, a través del cuidado césped hacia el bosque. —Lo siento, mi dulce niña—, le digo a mi lobo —. Siento que te hayas quedado conmigo y que hayas tenido que sufrir todo lo que yo he sufrido. Ella susurra: —No es culpa tuya, Katia. Llegamos a un acantilado con una cascada. El dolor sigue golpeándome. Necesito que pare. Mi dulce niña, y yo sólo queremos paz, sigo corriendo y salto por el acantilado. Abriendo los brazos, con lágrimas cayendo por mi cara, caigo, sin hacer ruido, esperando el dulce olvido donde no sentir nada nunca más. —¡Te quiero, mi dulce niña! Hasta que nos volvamos a ver—, respondió mi lobo justo antes de que cayéramos al agua. —Yo también te quiero, Katia. Nunca me he arrepentido de un momento contigo. La manada Luna de Nieve está celebrando su última barbacoa del verano junto a la cascada de sus tierras. Los adultos ríen y bromean mientras ven jugar a los cachorros. Los alfa, beta y gamma están nadando con algunos de los niños mayores y jugando a Marco Polo. Alguien grita: —¡Dios mío, alguien acaba de saltar por la cascada! Todos se quedan helados al ver caer lo que parece ser un niño con los brazos abiertos, nadie hace ruido. El pequeño cuerpo golpea el agua como un avión que se estrella contra la ladera de una montaña. El alfa, beta, y gamma, entran en acción, nadando hacia el área donde la persona se hundió. El alfa grita y su lobo enloquece repitiendo: —¡Encuéntrenla! Encuéntrenla... ¡encuéntrenla! Se sumergen y el beta sale a la superficie con una pequeña persona en brazos. El alfa le quita la niña a su beta y la tumba en el suelo. Los hombres se sorprenden por lo que ven. Está llena de cicatrices y heridas. Su cuerpo está retorcido y roto. El beta pregunta: —¿Quién ha podido hacerle esto a alguien tan indefenso? El Alfa cae de rodillas, repitiendo: —¡MATE...MATE...MATE!

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  • 👁 20.6K
  • 9.3

My name is Katia, and I am just trying to survive until my fated mate arrives. Which may be easier said than done. Rejection is the last straw. Whispering my acceptance of his rejection. I run through the pack house, out across the manicured lawn into the forest. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl," I say to my wolf. I'm sorry you have been stuck with me and have had to suffer everything I have. She whispers," it's not your fault, Katia. We came to a cliff with a waterfall. The hurt keeps pounding at me. I need it to stop. My sweet girl, and I just want peace, I keep running and leap off the cliff. Spreading my arms wide, with tears streaming down my face, I fall, not making a sound, waiting for sweet oblivion where we feel nothing ever again. "I love you, my sweet girl! Until we meet again, "My wolf replied just before we hit the water, "I love you too, Katia. I have never regretted a moment with you." The Snow Moon pack is having their last barbecue of the summer next to the waterfall on their land. The adults are laughing and joking while watching the pups play. The alpha, beta, and gamma are swimming with some of the older children and playing a game of Marco Polo. Someone yells, “Oh my goddess, someone just jumped over the waterfall!" Everyone is frozen as they watch what looks to be a child falling arms spread wide, no one makes a sound. The small body hits the water like a plane crashing into the side of a mountain. The alpha, beta, and gamma, spring into action, swimming towards the area the person went under. The alpha is screaming his wolf is going crazy repeating, “Find her. Find her...find her!" They dive and the beta surfaces with a small person in his arms. Alpha takes the girl from his beta, laying her on the ground. The men are shocked by what they see. She is covered in scars and injuries. Her body is twisted and broken. The Beta asks, "Who could have done this to someone so defenseless?" Alpha drops to his knees, repeating, "MATE...MATE...MATE!"
