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Shasta Ruiz

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Book cover
  • Author: Ms.M
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 23.9K
  • 8.3

“I, Layla Lecruest, reject you Alpha Sebastian of the Red Moon Pack as my mate.” Alpha Sebastian lifted his head. His thick hair blew back as the door to the house opened and a wind swept in. “I, Alpha Sebastian of the Red Moon Pack, accept your rejection.” Yes, it hurt to be rejected. Your mate was the one person in the entire world that was meant for you and the stories I had heard were glorious. Like the only two pieces of a puzzle, you find each other and become whole. You will never love anyone as you love your mate. And you never got a second chance. It was very rare, and I had just rejected mine. Layla Lecruest, is a fierce, brave, and strong-willed girl who never cared about fitting in but neither did she plan to stand out as much as she did. Believing to be a normal wolf, the daughter of a former Beta, she never thought herself to be special. Little did she know that she held a gene that many believed to have been gone for a long time. When she finds out that her mate is the Alpha who spent his life tormenting her, they quickly reject each other on the spot. Unbeknownst to them, Alpha Kade was on his way and would turn everything upside down as her second chance mate. The notorious Alpha Kade was famous for his strength and his ability to lead his pack. He earned respect wherever he went and when he arrived at the Red Moon Pack, he swore he wouldn't leave without his mate. What happens when Layla finds herself stuck between her former and current mate as well as a pack of wolves with superior powers who thought she belonged to them? And what happens when another, even bigger secret is revealed?

Book cover
  • Author: Onyemaobi
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 29.2K
  • 8.9

"I, Alpha Malik Denver hereby reject you, Eliana Jacobs as my mate and Luna." His voice was like a sword through my chest, slicing my heart into a million tiny pieces. He looked at me with a commanding glare and I knew I didn't have much of an option. "I, Eliana Jacobs, accept your rejection." I whispered as my hands fell to my stomach because unbeknownst to the Alpha, I was carrying his child. - Eliana Jacobs had been through hell her entire life. Ever since her mother died, she'd been abused by her whole pack. No one but her understood the kind of pain she went through until then one night, she decided to flee from her pack. However, destiny led her into the hands of Malik Denver, the most ruthless of all Alphas in Oakland and the leader of her own rival pack. In a twist of fate, he took her in and saved her from becoming rogue. But all in exchange for one thing—a child. Two years had passed and not only had Eliana fallen in love with Denver, she also finds out she’s finally pregnant. But before she could even break the news to him, he shockingly rejects her. “This is over!” He said. Distraught and devastated, Eliana once again decides to run away but this time to somewhere far away. It wasn’t until six years had passed that something unexpected brings her back to Oakland. But now, she isn’t alone, she’s with a six year old boy. How would Denver take the news of her return? Would he finally regret his decision to let her go? And alas, what would happen when he finds out about his secret baby?

Book cover
  • Author: Fairylove
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 5.7K
  • 9.3

“W-what…what are you saying, Caesar,” Grace was in disbelief as tears lingered in her eyes. “Let's divorce Grace, she's back?” Caesar muttered coldly, shattering Grace's heart. Her grip on the envelope containing the divorce papers tightened. “This can't be… I'm your wife, and I'm…” she attempted to tell him the good news of her pregnancy. “The love of my life is back…you were just a substitute,” his words echoed in Grace's ears. She was simply a substitute and nothing else. Five years later, Grace made an entrance in Caesar's life. “You can't run away from me… I know you still love me…” “I don't love you anymore, Caesar, now let go!” Grace tried to flee Caesar's stronghold, but unfortunately, he shoved her against the wall gently. “Let me go…you're hurting…” “What are you doing to my mommy,” a small melodious voice of a little girl got Caesar's attention, he turned around only to find a little girl standing behind him with a stern expression. “Mommy?” Why was the little girl referring to Grace as mom? ~~~~ Grace always thought she had a perfect husband and happy marriage until her world shattered when Caesar's past walked through the door, disrupting their seemingly perfect marriage. A girlfriend, the love of his life, appeared out of nowhere, demanding her place in Caesar's heart. Instantly, their once-unbreakable bond crumbled, leaving Grace utterly devastated. Confusion and heartache enveloped her as Caesar made the painful request for a divorce, even when she was expecting his child. Five years later, Grace was back to where it all started. This time with a solid heart and a goal to protect her daughter.


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