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  • Novel Reviews: 27

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  • 👁 5K
  • 9.7

“Sign them. Now!” He threw the papers across the bed and they fluttered in front of me, taunting me with words boldly spelled on them. Divorce. My blood had fizzled out. I refused to believe this was happening. I had never filled myself with delusions of Ezekiel ever loving me, but I had truly believed we could both tolerate our obligations to each other. Perhaps I was just blinded by love. “You're breaking this marriage because of Ellen? Because of my sister?” **** As though the death of her grandmother and a painful divorce weren’t enough torture for one day, Camille Manor stands frozen in the face of a family annulment. Letting go of her past life, she leaves for the States where she aims to start life afresh and raise her children not even the father knew about. Things change when she receives a shocking letter that changes everything. Now, after four years of staying away, Camille must return to London to face the lurking shadows of her past. But with her ex-husband back in her life, will her plans for revenge go smoothly? In the midst of exposing buried family secrets, she struggles to tame the feelings she still has for Zeke despite his betrayal while hiding his paternity over her children. Meanwhile, she takes down the Manor’s one by one in a bid to reclaim the honor that was once hers. Delve into the soul-gripping romance between Kamille and Ezekiel as they navigate a web of lies, betrayal and deceit within family ties. As well as unravel a secret nobody saw coming.

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  • Author: Angel Mark
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 18.1K
  • 7.0

"Don’t worry, we would soon hand you over to a mate just as misery as you are. But we are even finding it difficult to get such a person. You are just so disgusting” These were the exact words Sam told his little sister, Scarlet. What happens when a feeble female werewolf is tortured, maltreated, satirized, and despised by the same people she calls family? What happens when her alpha lover turns his back on her at the point when she needed him the most, and enacted a decree restraining her from ever appearing before him? What happens when she is forced into a marriage with a ruthless alpha? What happens when in her new forced home the mistress of her husband swore to take her life? Having had enough, Scarlet went into a self-imposed exile, and there she met an old lady who handed over to her a seemingly supposedly worthless stone amulet which turns out to be a gift from the moon goddess. Life was filled with uncertainty for Scarlet, and it was a voyage of discoveries for her. A life puzzle, which could only be unraveled by patience, love, wisdom, and above all, the dictates of fate. Living through this puzzle, she had to fight against her blood (family), conquer the Titans, force the rogues to bend to her will, rule over the Pixies, and finally subdue alphas, kings, lords, and nations. Now, the once feeble werewolf is bent on ensuring that she does not get bitten a second time, and thus, she must rule with jealousy and guard against future betrayers to ensure maximum loyalty. And to achieve the almost impossible, she has to do an act never conceived in the heart of men. Follow Scarlet to find out just what the moon goddess has in stock for her, and how she navigates through life's thorns to get to the petals. With a hope for victory, we must fight to win.

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  • 👁 26.7K
  • 8.8

My name is Katia; I want to find my fated mate and live a peaceful life raising our pups. The problem is I have holes in my memories and don’t understand who or what I am. I know I am a werewolf, but I am also something else. Rejection is the last straw! I am not worthy is the reason he gives. The pain doubles me over; my wolf is whimpering in my head, and tears are running down my face. I whispered my acceptance of his rejection and took off running. I ran through the pack house out across the green manicured lawn into the forest. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl," I say to my wolf. I'm sorry you have been stuck with me, and our life has been difficult. She whispers," It's not your fault, Katia." I don't know how long or far we ran, but we came to a cliff with a waterfall. The pain from the rejection is unbearable, and the hurt keeps pounding at me. I know I am missing something. Aza, my wolf, feels it, too; she says we are more than regular werewolves and are here for a reason. We cannot remember the reason. I stand staring at the water running over and down, creating the fall. I wonder what the reason is for the millionth time. Why can I or Aza not remember? Does it have something to do with the way others treat us? The way we have been sent to live with different people since the death of our parents? Does it have something to do with why my fated rejected me? I am tired of figuring out why our memories do not make sense. My sweet girl and I want peace, but we do not know how to obtain it. I stand staring into the oblivion of the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. So I stand there rejected, half a wolf, speaking with my Wolfie, my nickname for Aza, debating what we should do next. Someone was yelling my name from the direction I ran. I do not want to go back there. I hear laughter. Turning, I glance down over the cliff. There is another pack having a barbecue. The adults are laughing and watching the pups play. What looks to be the Alpha, beta, and gamma of the pack are in the water playing Marco Polo with some of the children. They look so happy and carefree. I want that. I wonder if Aza and I ever have a life like that.


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