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ioana cernat

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  • 7.5

Renée blushed as she looked at him in disbelief, his chiseled jawline perfectly accentuated the godly proportions of his face, his clear porcelain skin with no trace of any blemishes, his face was something even Adonis couldn’t compare to him, his dark silky hair shined and seemed inviting to touch as he walked towards the entrance of the hallway. His golden eyes seeming like they’re casting a spell, his posture straight and his footsteps graceful and elegant, seeming like even the world would stop rotating just to stare at his unparalleled beauty. He looked exactly like he did in her trance and perhaps even better in sight. Lucian stopped in front of her and they both stared at each other, it was as if the world had stopped and it was just the both of them in the hallway. He didn’t know how or when he pulled her in his arms and she melted into him. “I’ve finally found you” He whispers in her ear “mate.” Lucian was over the moon, no word could describe how he was feeling, for the first time his wolf praised him. They had finally found their mate, he has found his crown princess. He couldn’t wait to flaunt her in Niveria. He broke from the hug and placed a arm around her waist, pulling her closer before he coldly glared at all the males in the room. The silent threat didn’t go unnoticed by anyone, the male wolves all averted their gaze, no one was going to stupidly offend a royal unless he had a death wish. Renée couldn’t stop herself from staring at his face, she stopped her hand midway from caressing his face. “I can’t believe that you’re real” she mutters, still in a daze. “Yes babe. I’m real and I’m happy you’re here in my arms.” he flirted, Renée couldn’t stop the blush that slowly crept on her cheeks. Renee is an ordinary, abused, maltreated, broken human girl who is abused constantly by her father. To prevent suspicions they relocate to different cities every three months. She is naive and lacks confidence to stand up for herself and that makes her a target for bullies in the highschools she attends but all this is about to change when she meets Lucian , the alpha king to be who claims her for his.....but there is a bigger picture, a bigger secret that threatens to save or destroy her but what happens when she finds out that she has a whole load of secret about her existence which is rare and complicated

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  • 👁 18.3K
  • 9.1

Ellie - “Run, Ellie!“ Nicole, my best friend, screamed. Was she f*ck*ng crazy? There was no way I was leaving her like this! I froze and didn’t know what to do. If I screamed for help then the other ones would hear me and what if they’re in on it too? I went to her and started pulling her hands towards me while she was still kicking at him. Together we were finally able to get her free from his hold but he was already getting back on his feet. I repeated to Nicole what she yelled at me “run!” I took off down the hallway opposite from the stairs after seeing Nicole was right behind me. Literally running for my life. Praying there was a fire escape or something for us to get out of this damned club and away from the psychos in here. I ran past the doors that said restroom on them and saw a shiny handle that looked like it was dying to be pushed and i was praying when I did that it would open up to the outside. I pushed on the handle with all my might and it didn’t budge. “Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!” This time I threw my hip into the push and it burst open only have me fall on my hands and knees sending shock waves of pain to them. “Stupid woman! Argh!“ oh sh*t that voice. That deep, sinful voice. I turned to look behind me and noticed Nicole was no where in sight and I started panicking. When I looked around at where I was at I noticed I was standing on a landing for stairs in a warehouse that was full of boxes. “He f*ck*ng got away!“ Scary man yelled. When I turned around to face the mad man it wasn’t him looking back at me at all. It was the barrel of his gun. Konstantin - When I jumped back the door to the exit was forced open and knocked Antonio and myself backwards stumbling over each other. Long brown hair and a green dress fell at my feet. F*ck. Antonio took this opportunity to take off and run from me as I was caught up trying to figure out what the hell she was doing here and why she was bleeding down her arms and legs. I was so f*ck*ng p*ss*d at everything. I pulled my gun out and trained it on Elizabeth. I thought she was innocent but how convenient for her to come through this f*ck*ng door after I told her to leave! “He f*ck*ng got away!“ I screamed at her and she looked up at me. Golden eyes glowing again. Shaking from head to toe and bleeding. What the f*ck is going on? It took everything in me not to pull that f*ck*ng trigger until I heard someone else scream her name coming from the hallway. Fabian was running towards her pulling his gun from his side. I take my gun off of Elizabeth and plant a bullet right in the middle of Fabian’s head. Dimitri and Ivan show up next to me and tell me they didn’t see Antonio in the warehouse anywhere then they look down at Elizabeth. “Take her.” I told them and started walking through the warehouse to look for Antonio myself. Mafia Queen - What will happen between these two completely opposite people who also have so very much in common? Will Konstantin let his gaurds down for Ellie? Can Ellie get over his life style and see past the ugly side of the mafia? Or will they grow together? Only the trials and struggles will test how strong or weak they can be.


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