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Best Romance Novels


nicole schippers

  • Unlocked Chapters: 1.1K
  • Novel Reviews: 2

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  • 👁 23.7K
  • 7.5

It is a one-night stand for a 24 years old college girl, Annabelle. With no strings attached. When she sees her baby father on the cover page of a magazine tagged as the youngest billionaire in New York and a womanizer, her mother is set on using him to change their poor status. Aidan is a 26 years old billionaire with a high sexual urge, ever since the night with Anna. He is less interested in keeping a woman and having a baby is totally out of it. When confronted with the news, he denies her until her mother threatens to tarnish his image. Will Aidan agree to the marriage after introducing his s*x partner to his parents? Will Anna keep the pregnancy even after the rejection? Will she be able to take his insults and the fact that he finds her unwanted? **** It is a one-night stand for a 24 years old college girl, Annabelle. With no strings attached. When she sees her baby father on the cover page of a magazine tagged as the youngest billionaire in New York and a womanizer, her mother is set on using him to change their poor status. Aidan is a 26 years old billionaire with a high sexual urge, ever since the night with Anna. He is less interested in keeping a woman and having a baby is totally out of it. When confronted with the news, he denies her until her mother threatens to tarnish his image. Will Aidan agree to the marriage after introducing his s*x partner to his parents? Will Anna keep the pregnancy even after the rejection? Will she be able to take his insults and the fact that he finds her unwanted?


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