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The Rejected Hybrid

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Hybrid Skyler’s worst fear came to life when she turned eighteen years old and was rejected by her first mate and pack on the same night. They cast her out of the only home she had ever known, solely because she was different and believed to be a weak Omega. Little did her ex mate and pack know there was more to her than her looks and designation. Now, as she moves to a new pack, she meets her second chance mate, who brings a glimmer of hope into her shattered world. Just as she begins to learn about whom she really is, the question lingers in her mind–will her second chance mate reject her, just like her first mate did? Or will he prove to be the pillar of strength she desperately needs, standing behind her and together, becoming an unbreakable force?


Dear granddaughter, 

Astonishingly, you came into this world as a one-of-a-kind combination of a vampire and a werewolf. Your mere existence is nothing less than a miracle. Considering how rare, these two mystical creatures are to come together and create offspring. The only logical explanation that comes to mind is that your mother possesses more human characteristics than vampire qualities. You should wholeheartedly embrace your extraordinary nature and harness it to your advantage. With your inherent potential, you can become an influential and formidable presence in the supernatural realm.

Stand out from the crowd with your mesmerizing pure silver eyes, a unique feature that sets you apart. These captivating eyes make heads turn in any gathering and grant you an advantage in the dark, allowing you to see better than most. While they may be sensitive to light, it’s only a small price to pay for the extraordinary abilities they provide. 

Not only are your eyes a remarkable trait, but your climbing, and speed skills are also enhanced, making you a force to be reckoned with. Embrace the power that comes with this extraordinary combination of vampire and werewolf blood coursing through your veins. These two mystical entities intertwined from the moment you were born, resulting in a mesmerizing blend of abilities that defines your essence. 

Your existence is a testament to the extraordinary and the supernatural. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine in every aspect of your life. Embrace your inner vampire and werewolf, for they are the source of your captivating essence. Let the world marvel at the unique being that you are. Remarkably, you have entered this world as a one-of-a-kind fusion of a vampire and a werewolf. Your mere presence is nothing short of a miracle, considering how rare these two mystical creatures are to come together and produce offspring. 

The only logical explanation that comes to mind is that your mother possesses more human characteristics than vampire qualities. This unique combination of bloodlines should be embraced wholeheartedly, as it grants you an extraordinary nature that can be harnessed to your advantage. 

With your inherent potential, you can become an influential and formidable presence in the supernatural realm. Stand out from the crowd with your mesmerizing pure silver eyes, a feature that sets you apart. 

These captivating eyes turn heads in any gathering and give you an advantage in the dark, allowing you to see better than most. Although they may be sensitive to light, it is a small price to pay for the extraordinary abilities they offer. 

Furthermore, your climbing and speed skills are enhanced, making you a force to be reckoned with. Embrace the power that comes with this extraordinary combination of vampire and werewolf blood coursing through your veins. 

 These two mystical entities intertwined from the moment you were born, resulting in a mesmerizing blend of abilities that define your essence. Your existence is a testament to the extraordinary and the supernatural. 

Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine in every aspect of your life. Embrace your inner vampire and werewolf, for they are the source of your captivating essence. Allow the world to marvel at the exceptional being that you are.

 Life can present us with numerous challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, as the queen of the vampire realm, I understand the difficulties you may encounter. Unfortunately, due to the strained relationship between our domains, I cannot enter werewolf territory. Nevertheless, please be aware that my absence does not indicate a lack of concern for your well-being and happiness.

Rest assured that I am always here for you, even if I cannot be by your side. Do not hesitate to contact me whenever you require support or guidance. I will utilize all my resources to assist you in overcoming any obstacles that come your way. Remember, you can count on me whenever you need assistance or direction. Together, we can confront any challenge and emerge more robust.

Once you embark on your training journey and master transitioning between your two forms, your parents will entrust me with refining your telepathic abilities. Our communication will transcend physical barriers and become incredibly seamless and effective, allowing us to stay connected regardless of location. Your wolf form, the omega, possesses extraordinary attributes such as towering height and immense strength.

These exceptional qualities surpass those of other omegas and even most betas. The source of this power lies in your vampire lineage, which sets you apart from others and makes you truly unique. When your werewolf side is dormant, you gain the speed and strength of your vampire side, further enhancing your capabilities. Embrace your extraordinary heritage and utilize it to your advantage as you navigate life.

Your exceptional qualities as a hybrid surpass those of other omegas and even most betas, making you genuinely extraordinary. The power behind your abilities lies in your vampire lineage, which sets you apart from the rest and makes you truly unique. When your werewolf side is dormant, you gain the speed and strength of your vampire side, giving you an edge over others.

The good news is that you can conceal your blood cravings. You can consume meals in your wolf form, as the raw food will satisfy your vampire side without raising any suspicion. Alternatively, your parents can provide you with discreet blood bags that can be safely disposed of through burning, ensuring that your secret remains hidden. It is crucial to emphasize that you should never drink from anyone unless they are your mate, as this act of biting during intimate moments establishes a lifelong bond among vampires.

Unfortunately, your uniqueness can sometimes lead to fear and instances of bullying and harassment from others. It is disheartening that society often pressures individuals to conform to a specific mold. However, it is crucial to recognize that you hold a superior position in this world, one that others may struggle to understand. In the face of conflicts, it is vital for you to confidently assert yourself and defend your worth whenever the opportunity arises. Stand tall and let your uniqueness shine, setting you apart.

 Within the vampire realm, you are not just any hybrid but a hybrid princess. Your presence is highly valued and respected by the entire vampire kingdom, as you possess a status that sets you apart from others. We take great pride in having you as a part of our society, recognizing the influence and significance you bring. However, it is vital to be aware that individuals may try to exploit you for their gain. Stay vigilant and surround yourself with trustworthy allies who will protect and support you in your journey.

It is essential to maintain a state of constant vigilance and caution in all your interactions. This will ensure you navigate your journey successfully, and finding your mate or mates will only enhance your abilities. By forming strong bonds with your chosen partners, you can tap into their unique talents and skills, creating a powerful and unstoppable force.

As you look towards the future, your potential to inherit and govern our kingdom is immense. The responsibility may seem daunting, but we have complete confidence in your abilities. When the time comes, you and your chosen partner(s) will undoubtedly become exceptional leaders, guiding our kingdom with wisdom and grace. Your leadership will shape the destiny of our vampire realm, and we are confident that you will rise to the occasion and fulfill your fate as a true leader.

We are truly honored to have a princess as talented and capable as you among us. Your remarkable abilities and potential will lead you to significant accomplishments in the future. With your exceptional intelligence, unwavering strength, and relentless determination, there are no limits to what you can achieve. The vampire kingdom is incredibly fortunate to have you as one of our own.

It is of utmost importance that you receive exclusive training from your father. This training will play a vital role in honing your skills and teaching you how to defend yourself without resorting to lethal force unless necessary. Strengthening yourself is not only crucial for your physical well-being, but also for your mental preparedness to overcome any obstacles that may come your way. You must keep your skills and abilities concealed from others, especially within the vampire and werewolf communities, as this will ensure your safety and security. By focusing on building your strength and resilience, you will be better equipped to face any challenges that may arise.

Share your abilities and talents only when necessary, as this will help you maintain a low profile and avoid attracting unwanted attention. By prioritizing strength, adaptability, and discretion, you can ensure your success in both the vampire and werewolf realms. These qualities will prepare you for any situation and keep you safe and secure in the face of potential threats.

Never underestimate your capabilities and potential. Your heritage and your parents’ unwavering love and support will be a constant source of guidance and inspiration as you embark on your journey to becoming a robust and influential leader. Embrace your unique identity and recognize the incredible potential you possess to make a positive impact in both realms. With your remarkable abilities and the support of your loved ones, there is no doubt that you will leave a lasting legacy and shape the future of the vampire and werewolf communities.

You have the potential to be the one spoken of in legends, the one who can bring our two worlds together. By uniting them, we can work towards a common goal and stand together instead of against each other. Believe in yourself and your capabilities, even if you stumble. Your destiny is to achieve greatness, and those in your life will be lucky to have you as a companion, partner, or family member. And if they don’t recognize your worth, they will fall as you rise to the top.

With love,


With a sense of accomplishment, Marcelina gently places her pen on the desk and carefully folds the letter, ensuring its neatness. Sliding it into the awaiting envelope, she seals it with a purposeful press. Looking up, she instructs, “Please, take this to Alpha Neo’s pack and emphasize the importance of keeping this letter safe for Skyler until she arrives. It holds crucial information.” Her voice carries conviction, leaving no room for doubt.

“Of course, Your Highness, I shall personally take care of it,” Alaric assures with unwavering loyalty before swiftly departing to fulfill the task.

With a heavy sigh, I lean back in my chair, desperately praying that the ominous prophecy doesn’t come to pass, for the fate of our world rests in the hands of my beloved granddaughter. I can only hope that she receives the crucial letter in time, unlocking the secrets that have been concealed for so long and gaining the knowledge she needs to navigate the treacherous path that lies ahead.

“Your Highness, what course of action shall we pursue?” inquires one of her loyal coven members.

“It is with a heavy heart. We find ourselves in a position where we can only patiently wait. And fervently hope that she possesses the strength and resilience to confront the challenges that lie ahead. The weight of uncertainty hangs in the air as we acknowledge our limited control over the situation.” 

“But we must trust in her abilities and believe she will navigate the impending obstacles gracefully and determined. In this moment of helplessness, we can only offer our unwavering support; be there for her every step, knowing that her resilience will shine through and guide her towards a brighter future.” I sigh heavily at what feels like the world’s weight on my shoulders. 

“Your Highness, I have ensured that your letter has been successfully delivered and securely kept in their possession,” my assassin Alaric informs me as he enters the room.

“Alaric, I express my gratitude to you. I hope Neo will soon understand and agree with our perspective so she can begin her training with me without delay,” I mention, gazing out the window.

Chapter 1

Skyler’s POV

"Skyler, come on, you don't want to be late for school," Mom's voice echoes urgently from downstairs, the sound of her hand hitting a metal object reverberating through the entire house. It's as if she's unaware of the discomfort it causes in both mine and dad's ears, or perhaps she intentionally does it to grab our attention. Either way, she knows how to make sure we're all aware of the time and the importance of being punctual for school."

"Mom, I'll be there in a minute!" I shout in response, dragging myself out of bed and making my way towards the closet with a slight groan. My tired eyes scan through the clothes hanging in my wardrobe until they settle on a pair of soft black leggings and a loose-fitting shirt. Opting for comfort over style, I quickly change into this cozy ensemble, reminding myself that there's no need to impress anyone today. After a quick detour to the


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