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Reverse Harem

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  • 👁 819
  • 10.0

Cuando era niña, mi abuela me contaba cuentos. Por aquel entonces, nunca les di mucha importancia. Pensaba que eran sólo eso... cuentos. Al crecer, pronto me di cuenta de que no eran fantasías elevadas ni cuentos de hadas, sino recuerdos de su pasado, recuerdos de nuestros antepasados antes de que nuestro mundo se convirtiera en una mierda. Verás, lo que procede de la leyenda, por exagerada que llegue a ser la historia, siempre tiene una pizca de verdad. Sólo hay que separar la ficción de la realidad. Mi abuela solía contarme historias del Elegido, el que nos salvaría a todos. Cuando era más joven, solía creer que lo que me contaba era cierto. Con el tiempo, nacería alguien, tal y como predijo el Oráculo, alguien capaz de salvar nuestras almas y devolvernos la magia. Cuando crecí y vi cómo se desarrollaba el mundo a mi alrededor, dejé de creer en la salvación. El elegido parecía más una plegaria que una realidad. Algún sueño que deseábamos desesperadamente que se hiciera realidad. Algo en lo que necesitábamos encontrar esperanza cuando ya no quedaba ninguna. Cuando nuestros antepasados nos dieron la espalda, ¿cómo se esperaba que creyéramos en esa supuesta salvación? Sobre todo cuando todo lo que presenciábamos era muerte y masacre desde la gran guerra. Nada excepto dolor y pobreza. Yo solía creer en las historias y rezaba por el misterioso elegido que libraría a nuestro mundo de su maldad. Ahora, sin embargo, lo veo como lo que realmente es, sólo un sueño de esperanza. Un cuento de hadas inalcanzable. Una historia para crear esperanza. La esperanza es peligrosa; te hace creer que las cosas mejorarán. Dejé de aferrarme a la esperanza cuando fui testigo directo de que no causaba más que angustia.

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  • 👁 6.2K
  • 10.0

— ¿Tuviste novio? —Stefan me mordisqueó la oreja, volviéndome loca. —Hmm— Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo se estremeciera de excitación. — ¿Te acostaste con él?— La voz ronca de Riven llegó desde mi lado, sus manos recorrían mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. —Noo...— Mi voz era jadeante, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó sobre el pecho de Stefan. —No te preocupes, ¡te lo vamos a sacar del cuerpo! —prometió Kevin con su seductora y profunda voz. . Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Zafiro Oscuro para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo marido, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Zafiro Oscuro es una de las más ricas y el Alfa Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. Los famosos alfas trillizos. Por alguna razón desconocida, los trillizos siempre despreciaron a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de convertir su vida en un infierno cuando entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará ella cuando sepa que los Trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los trillizos intenten convencerla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Será capaz de domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por culpa de uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que a su alrededor hay zorros disfrazados de hombres lobo que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (sólo para mayores de 18 años)

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  • Author: AM
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 18.2K
  • 10.0

"You can't be weak, wife. You now have three husbands to please. Tonight's the night we claim you. You can't let a simple wedding tire you, for our nuptial night holds trials far more demanding." Ezra whispered huskily, tucking my hair behind my ear. -- "Oh god!” I cried. "Not god, baby. We are your demons," Ezra growled, pounding faster. -- "Call my name, Xanthea,” Asher groaned and a tight flutter erupted in my belly. -- "I can't… I can't take this… anymore…" And then he hit a spot, and he kept hitting it again and again with every thrust. Sparks charged throughout my body like the lightning cracking in the stormy sky again and again until it was too much to hold back, too hard to… resist. *** Xanthea Plath, an illegitimate child of the Alpha of Virgo pack, was an omega and omegas weren't allowed to dream, yet she never stopped dreaming. She wanted to be a doctor just like her mother but the luna of the pack, her stepmother would break her physically and mentally and stop at nothing to crush all her dreams. Xanthea had still found a way though all the abuse her steps put her through. But one day her world came crashing down right before her entrance in a medical college when she found out that she was being offered as a bride to the ruthless triplet alphas also known as the demon lords of the Infernal pack of the underworld. Xanthea had heard the horrifying stories of several suitors who had come before her, all of whom had met a gruesome end. Dark Reverse Harem Romance with 18+ explicit content. Readers discretion advised.

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  • 👁 119.5K
  • 10.0

“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)

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  • 👁 33.6K
  • 9.8

When I was a child, my grandma used to tell me stories. At the time, I never gave them much thought. Thinking they were just that… stories. Growing up, I soon realized that they weren’t lofty fantasies and fairy tales but memories of her past, memories of our ancestors before our world turned to shit. You see, what comes from legend, no matter how exaggerated the story becomes, there is always a sliver of truth. You just need to weed out the fiction from fact. My grandmother used to tell me stories of the Chosen One—the one who would save us all. When I was younger, I used to believe that what she said was true. Eventually, someone would be born, just as the Oracle predicted—someone who could save our souls and bind us back to our magic. Once I grew up and saw the world unfolding around me, I no longer believed in salvation. The chosen one seemed to be more of a prayer than reality. Some dream we wanted desperately to come true. Something in which we needed to find hope when there wasn’t any left. When our ancestors turned their backs on us, how were we expected to believe in this so-called salvation? Especially when all we witnessed was death and carnage ever since the great war. Nothing except pain and poverty. I used to believe the stories and used to pray for the mysterious chosen one that would rid our world of its evil. Now, though, I see it for what it really is, just a dream of hope. Some out of reach fairy-tale. A story to create hope. Hope is dangerous; it makes you believe things will get better. I stopped hanging on to hope when I witnessed firsthand that it caused nothing but heartache.

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  • 👁 42.7K
  • 9.7

The Pack's Hybrids is Book Four in the Havermouth Pack Series - "The Pack's Secret Keeper", "The Pack's Triquetra" and "The Pack's Vampire". ** Trigger Warnings - this is a DARK werewolf/vampire bullyboy romance book, featuring non-con/dub-con, gaslighting, violence, and a range of very kinky group sex bxg and bxb, sounding, masochism, bondage, BDSM, Daddy-Dom, and more ** Havermouth is under the control of Van Helsings on a mission to expose the supernatural world to humans, starting with the Havermouth werewolf pack. The Van Helsings’ torturer, Sparrow, is a man of many secrets. Infected with lycanism by an incomplete spell gone wrong, he is holding Talen’s vampire-child Meguitte, a powerful witch, prisoner and enthralled by their mate bond, and has taken her gift of a magical cuff capable of controlling his monster-self and turned it into a weapon to use against all supernatural creatures. After Sparrow tortures Heath to the point of death, in order to save Heath’s life, Talen must attempt to turn his werewolf mate vampire and create a hybrid of the two species. Cuffed and trapped in the high school gym by the Van Helsings, Cameron must try to save the pack imprisoned with him whilst Rhett, weakened by a zombie bite, smuggles the pack’s young to safety. With the town in the grip of the water-illness, and face-eating zombies wandering the streets, can Aislen and her mates save Havermouth and the world from the Van Helsing zealots?
