Pauliny Nunes
- 👁 76.3K
- ⭐ 7.7
- 📚 19
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.9K
- ⭐ 7.5
Maria Luísa Braga de Almeida is a sixteen-year-old teenager who lives peacefully in Belo Horizonte alongside her mother, Anna Braga, her aunt Aline, and the family friend, Ícaro. Until a tragedy forces the young girl to live with her influential father's family, senatorial candidate Thiago de Almeida, whom Malú had never heard of before. In her new residence in the city of Curitiba, the young girl discovers a web of lies and intrigues surrounding her that had controlled her life up to that moment. Now Malú must unravel the secrets of her past to uncover why her father abandoned her. She must also face what the future holds for her... without her voice.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.6K
- ⭐ 7.5
“Comprada por el Mafioso: Final” es la emocionante conclusión de la trilogía que sigue la vida de Ellis Barker, una mujer involucrada en el peligroso mundo de la mafia italiana. Ellis se ve obligada a enfrentar un destino sombrío después de un mortal incendio en el almacén que cobró la vida de Vittorio Amorielle, el amor de su vida, y de Jácomo Grecco, hermano de Tommaso Grecco, a quien ella misma mató. Ahora se encuentra en una encrucijada, teniendo que elegir entre abandonar el submundo de la mafia con su hija, Donna, fruto de su relación con Vittorio, siguiendo el Plan B que él dejó, o permanecer en el peligroso mundo del crimen para proteger a Jake Amorielle, a quien todos creen ser el heredero de Vittorio, pero que en realidad es el hijo fallecido de su hermano, Jason Barker. Sin embargo, una sorprendente revelación contenida en la carta que él dejó redefine por completo el destino de Ellis y la pone en un rumbo de colisión con todos los interesados en el legado de Vittorio Amorielle, incluyendo miembros de la propia familia del mafioso. Ayudada por el misterioso señor de la Guerra, Rang Bone, encargado de protegerla, Ellis regresa a Pedesina con la determinación de enfrentar a todos los que desean tomar posesión del legado de Vittorio Amorielle. Sin embargo, su búsqueda no se limita solo a proteger a Jake y asegurar su derecho de herencia. Ellis también está decidida a descubrir la verdad sobre la fatídica noche del incendio, y la única persona que puede ayudarla es Rocco, el antiguo Consejero de Vittorio, que se encuentra en estado de coma. En este último capítulo lleno de giros inesperados, traiciones y secretos, Ellis tendrá que enfrentar a enemigos tanto dentro como fuera de la mafia italiana, mientras desentraña los misterios que rodean su vida y la de Vittorio. Finalmente, se revelará el destino de Ellis y el futuro de la familia Amorielle.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 837
- ⭐ 7.5
"They say no one can tell what our future will be like... That's what Bruno believed until that late afternoon when he was approached, along with his friends, by a gypsy woman. He was completely skeptical until the gypsy sealed his fate: He will get married by the age of 24 and will have four children. He will become rich, but not by doing what he loves or through gambling. His father will pass away at the age of 60, two years younger than him. His destiny is tied to a young woman with brown hair, and all of this will happen only when Bruno meets that woman. He promised himself never to fall in love with any woman with brown hair... That was the case until he met Helena."
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 620
- ⭐ 7.5
A marriage that had everything to work out, this is that of Dalia Penedo who did everything to win the heart of Carlos Salazar and have his "Happily Ever". But as time goes on, things change... and so do feelings. Although Dahlia loves her husband, her curiosity makes her embark on the dangerous virtual world, where she meets Mr.X, a man who will snatch the young woman’s heart. Dahlia is now divided: She loves her husband, but is madly in love with X. This is a real story , where the choices she makes, can change her future for the better... or for the worse.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 4.2K
- ⭐ 7.5
"Don Vittorio: FINAL" is the thrilling conclusion to the trilogy that follows the life of Ellis Barker, a woman involved in the dangerous world of the Italian mafia. Ellis is forced to face a grim fate after a deadly warehouse fire claimed the lives of Vittorio Amorielle, the love of her life, and Jácomo Grecco, brother of Tommaso Grecco, whom she herself killed. Now she finds herself at a crossroads, having to choose between abandoning the mafia underworld with her daughter Donna, the fruit of her relationship with Vittorio, following the Plan B left by him, or remaining in the dangerous world of crime to protect Jake Amorielle, who everyone believes is Vittorio's heir, but who is actually the deceased son of her brother, Jason Barker. However, a surprising revelation contained in the letter left by him completely redefines Ellis' destiny and puts her on a collision course with all those interested in Vittorio Amorielle's legacy, including members of the mobster's own family. Aided by the mysterious warlord Rang Bone, who is charged with protecting her, Ellis returns to Pedesina with the determination to confront all those who wish to take possession of Vittorio Amorielle's legacy. However, her quest is not limited to protecting Jake and securing his right to inherit. Ellis is also determined to uncover the truth about the fateful night of the fire, and the only person who can help her is Rocco, Vittorio's former Consigliere, who is in a coma. In this final chapter full of twists and turns, betrayals and secrets, Ellis will have to face enemies both inside and outside the Italian mafia as she unravels the mysteries surrounding her life and that of Vittorio. Ellis' fate and the future of the Amorielle family will finally be revealed.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 1.5K
- ⭐ 8.8
Ulrich se quitó la camisa con una naturalidad desafiante, revelando su torso musculoso bañado por la tenue luz que inundaba la habitación. Sus ojos dorados brillaban con una intensidad predatoria mientras ordenaba a Phoenix que hiciera lo mismo. "Quítate el vestido", dijo él, su voz autoritaria resonando en la habitación. "Y acuéstate en la cama." "¿Por qué?", preguntó ella, su voz temblorosa. Ulrich miró fijamente a Phoenix, sus ojos dorados destellando con determinación. "Porque es una orden, esclava." En el sombrío Valle del Norte, reina Ulrich, el cruel y temido rey Alfa por todas las manadas. Su único deseo es conquistar cada una de ellas y solidificar su dominio, pero una maldición pronunciada por Gaia, la enigmática Peeira, arroja una sombra sobre su imperio. Ulrich solo podrá tener un heredero si encuentra una compañera de su manada de origen, una tarea aparentemente imposible después de la aniquilación de su manada cuando aún era un joven lobo. Despreciando la profecía, Ulrich ve cómo sus Lunas, una a una, sucumben en el parto, dejándolo sin descendencia. Determinado a evitar la caída de su imperio, convoca a sus mejores hombres lobo para encontrar a una mujer con cabello negro y ojos azules, descendiente de su antigua manada. Pasan años de búsqueda hasta que la esperanza surge con Phoenix, una esclava distante de las llanuras del reino. Phoenix es vendida al rey Alfa, aceptando su destino con resignación. Ulrich le propone un trato: si le da un hijo, será liberada. Sin embargo, el destino les reserva más que un pacto de conveniencia. ¿Podrá el Rey Alfa superar su propia crueldad por la mujer que ama?
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 6K
- ⭐ 7.5
Han pasado seis años desde que Ellis Barker tomó la difícil decisión de dejar atrás la vida de Vittorio Amorielle. Después de enfrentar una serie de eventos turbulentos, eligió comenzar de nuevo en Seattle, llevando consigo los secretos que Don Vittorio ansiaba tanto desentrañar. ¿Qué la llevó a alejarse de Vittorio, dejando atrás todo lo que habían vivido juntos? ¿Por qué eligió partir en ese momento? Y ahora, ¿qué la ha traído de vuelta a Nueva York después de tantos años de ausencia? Las respuestas, cargadas de misterio y significado, están a punto de ser reveladas.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 494
- ⭐ 7.5
Emma Williams era una competente gerente de marketing en la empresa de tecnología Parker Technology, hasta el día en que fue despedida injustamente por su jefe. Furiosa, desahogó sus frustraciones con un desconocido en el ascensor, cuestionando si el CEO de la empresa, Robert Parker, tenía alguna idea de cómo funcionaba realmente la compañía. Lo que Emma no sabía era que el hombre misterioso era nada menos que el propio Robert Parker, quien aceptó el desafío implícito que ella lanzó. Determinado a demostrar su capacidad como CEO ante Emma, Robert ordenó su reincorporación a su puesto. Sin embargo, sus planes salieron mal cuando Emma rechazó la oferta. Había tomado la decisión de abrir su propia empresa de consultoría y, con gran éxito, decidió que era hora de contratar un asistente. Cuando Robert vio el anuncio, vio una oportunidad para acabar con la empresa de Emma y traerla de vuelta. Mientras Emma enseñaba a "Bobby, el asistente", los entresijos de su trabajo y revelaba su excepcional talento, una atracción inesperada comenzó a surgir entre ellos. Sin embargo, ¿era una buena idea mezclar negocios con placer? Y cuando Emma descubriera quién era él, ¿sería capaz de perdonarlo? Emma y Robert tendrán que decidir si pueden superar las barreras que separan el amor y los negocios.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 6.3K
- ⭐ 7.5
Six years have passed since Ellis Barker made the difficult decision to leave Vittorio Amorielle's life behind. After facing a series of tumultuous events, she chose to start anew in Seattle, carrying with her the secrets that Don Vittorio so eagerly yearned to unravel. What could have driven Ellis to distance herself from Vittorio, leaving behind everything they had experienced together? Why did she choose to depart at that moment? And now, what has brought her back to New York, after so many years of absence? The answers, laden with mystery and significance, are on the verge of being unveiled.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 7.4K
- ⭐ 7.5
- Why are you doing all this? - Ellis asked. - Once you told me that I couldn't buy it ... - Vittorio recalled, holding out his pen to Ellis. - Well, look what I just did: I bought the lady for half a million dollars. --------------- All Ellis Barker was longing for was to pay the last mortgage payment on the house she and her brother, Jason, inherited, and thus close her brother's debts. At least until the young woman arrived at the bank and her destiny crossed paths with Vittorio Amorielle, a mobster who will spare no effort to get what he wants, and from that moment on, that was Ellis. And it was thanks to Jason's debts that Vittorio was able not only to buy Ellis, but to marry her. But will they be able to deal with the consequences of this union?
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 29.3K
- ⭐ 9.5
"¿Por qué haces todo esto? — Una vez me dijiste que no podía comprarla ... - Recordó Vittorio extendiendo la pluma de vuelta a Ellis.— Bueno, mira lo que acabo de hacer: yo compré a la señorita por medio millón de dólares." --------------- Todo lo que Ellis Barker anhelaba era pagar el último pago de la hipoteca de la casa heredada por ella y su hermano, Jason, y así cerrar las deudas de su hermano. Por lo menos hasta que la joven llegue al banco y su destino cruce con el de Vittorio Amorielle, un mafioso que no medirá esfuerzos para tener lo que desea y de aquel instante en adelante su objeto de codicia era Ellis.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Ongoing
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 197
- ⭐ 8.8
Ulrich shrugged off his shirt with a challenging nonchalance, revealing his muscular torso bathed in the dim light permeating the room. His golden eyes glinted with predatory intensity as he commanded Phoenix to do the same. "Take off your dress," he said, his authoritative voice echoing through the chamber. "And lie down on the bed." "Why?" she asked, her voice trembling. Ulrich locked eyes with Phoenix, his golden gaze sparking with determination. "Because it's an order, slave." ------------------------------------------ In the dark Northern Vale, Ulrich reigns as the cruel Alpha king feared by all packs. His sole desire is to conquer each pack and solidify his dominion, but a curse spoken by Gaia, the enigmatic Seer, casts a shadow over his empire. Ulrich can only have an heir if he finds a mate from his original pack—a seemingly impossible task after his pack was annihilated when he was still a young wolf. Disregarding the prophecy, Ulrich watches his chosen mates, one by one, succumb during childbirth, leaving him without descendants. Determined to avert the downfall of his empire, he calls upon his best werewolves to find a woman with black hair and blue eyes, a descendant of his ancient pack. Years of searching pass until hope arises with Phoenix, a slave from the plains of the kingdom. Phoenix is sold to the Alpha king, accepting her fate with resignation. Ulrich proposes a deal: if she bears him a child, she will be freed. However, fate has more in store for them than a mere arrangement of convenience. Will the Alpha King overcome his own cruelty for the woman he loves?
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 789
- ⭐ 7.5
Catarina Piromalli is a young woman whose life has been marked by tragedy since childhood. At the age of four, she witnessed her parents, Beatrice and Andrea Piromalli, lose their lives in a terrible car accident during a chase. However, her fate would take an unexpected turn when Don Salvatore Mancuso, the powerful boss of the Ndrangheta, rescued her from the chaos of that fateful night. Catarina grew up in the shadow of the Ndrangheta, raised as an adopted daughter by the Mancuso family. However, Catarina's life took an unexpected turn when Dante, heir to the Mancuso family business, who had previously shown deep disdain for her, surprised everyone by confessing his love for her on her eighteenth birthday. Catarina's dilemma intensified when she realized that her affection for Dante was also growing, despite being raised as siblings. Their forbidden love challenged not only the rules of the mafia but also the plans Don Salvatore had for his son's future, plans that did not include a relationship with Catarina. Catarina and Dante are about to face difficult choices that will shape not only the course of their lives but also the fate of the Ndrangheta as they try to find a way to live the forbidden love they feel for each other.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 6.1K
- ⭐ 7.2
When Fierce's children are kidnapped, her life takes a devastating turn. Desperate and without resources, she is forced to turn to the only person who can help her: Hunter. Hunter, the werewolf whom Fierce was once in love with, is now the powerful alpha king of the pack. He has no idea that the kidnapped children are his, and the truth behind the abduction is more complex than anyone could imagine. As they come together in a desperate quest to recover the children, secrets from the past begin to emerge, including the consequence of the night of love they shared when Hunter was crowned the direct heir of Alpha Alastair. The unresolved passion between Fierce and Hunter becomes an irresistible driving force but also a barrier threatening to keep them apart. Will they be able to overcome their differences and accept the truth that their hearts have always known? Or will the scars of the past prove insurmountable obstacles to staying together? Would Hunter be capable of forgiving Fierce for keeping their children from him?
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 2.7K
- ⭐ 7.5
Maria Luísa Braga de Almeida es una adolescente de dieciséis años que vive pacíficamente en Belo Horizonte junto a su madre, Anna Braga, su tía Aline y un amigo de la familia, Ícaro. Hasta que una tragedia obliga a la joven a vivir con la influyente familia de su padre, el candidato a senador, Thiago de Almeida, de quien Malú nunca había oído hablar. En su nueva residencia, en la ciudad de Curitiba, la joven descubre que a su alrededor existe una red de mentiras e intrigas que controlaba su vida hasta ese momento. Ahora Malú necesita desentrañar los secretos de su pasado, para averiguar qué hizo que su padre la abandonara. Además de enfrentar lo que depara el futuro... sin tu voz.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 406
- ⭐ 7.5
"I want a divorce." Those were the words uttered by Hugo that echoed through the room and Beatriz's mind. Hugo and Beatriz had been married for almost ten years. They started dating while studying Business Administration. After graduating, they decided it was time to get married. Hugo became a Senior Analyst in Beatriz's father's pharmacy chain, while Bia decided to get involved in social projects. They were considered the perfect couple by everyone who knew them. But even the perfect couple had their problems. Constant fights, conflicting decisions, and irreconcilable differences permeated Hugo and Beatriz's life. Until one day, Hugo decided it was time to put an end to what was once a happy relationship. However, during the divorce process, someone from Beatriz's past reappears, making her see beyond herself. Until destiny changes the game. Now, Beatriz needs to make a decision that will change her life and give her the chance to have what she truly desires.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 892
- ⭐ 7.5
Catarina Piromalli es una joven cuya vida ha estado marcada por la tragedia desde la infancia. A los cuatro años, vio cómo sus padres, Beatrice y Andrea Piromalli, perdían la vida en un terrible accidente de coche durante una persecución. Sin embargo, su destino dio un giro inesperado cuando Don Salvatore Mancuso, el poderoso jefe de la Ndrangheta, la rescató del caos de aquella fatídica noche. Catarina creció a la sombra de la Ndrangheta, siendo criada como hija adoptiva por los Mancuso. Sin embargo, la vida de Catarina dio un giro inesperado cuando Dante, heredero de los negocios de la familia Mancuso, que hasta entonces había mostrado un profundo desprecio por ella, la sorprendió confesándole su amor el día de su decimoctavo cumpleaños. El dilema de Catherine se intensificó cuando se dio cuenta de que su afecto por Dante también iba en aumento, a pesar de que habían sido criados como hermano y hermana. Su amor prohibido desafiaba no sólo las reglas de la mafia, sino también los planes de Don Salvatore para el futuro de su hijo, planes que no incluían una relación con Catarina. Catarina y Dante están a punto de enfrentarse a decisiones difíciles que marcarán no sólo el curso de sus vidas, sino también el destino de la Ndrangheta, mientras intentan encontrar una forma de vivir el amor prohibido que sienten el uno por el otro.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 513
- ⭐ 7.5
Emma Williams was a competent marketing manager at the technology company Parker Technology, until the day she was unjustly fired by her boss. Furious, she vented to a stranger in the elevator, questioning whether the company's CEO, Robert Parker, had any understanding of the company's actual operation. What Emma didn't know was that the mysterious man was none other than Robert Parker himself, who implicitly accepted the challenge she had thrown down. Determined to prove his CEO capabilities to Emma, Robert ordered her to be reinstated to her position. However, his plans went awry when Emma declined the offer. She had made the decision to start her own consulting firm, and with great success, she decided it was time to hire an assistant. When Robert saw the job posting, he saw an opportunity to undermine Emma's company and bring her back. As Emma taught "Bobby, the assistant," the ins and outs of her work and revealed her exceptional talent, an unexpected attraction began to blossom between them. But was it a good idea to mix business with pleasure? And when Emma found out who he really was, would she be able to forgive him? Emma and Robert will have to decide if they can overcome the barriers that separate love and business.
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- Author: Pauliny Nunes
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 4.6K
- ⭐ 8.3
Cuando los hijos de Fierce son secuestrados, su vida da un giro devastador. Desesperada y sin recursos, se ve obligada a recurrir a la única persona que puede ayudarla: Hunter. Hunter, el hombre lobo por quien Fierce estuvo enamorada, ahora es el poderoso rey alfa de la manada, sin tener idea de que los hijos secuestrados de Fierce son suyos, y la verdad detrás del secuestro es más compleja de lo que cualquiera podría imaginar. A medida que se unen en una búsqueda desesperada para recuperar a los niños, secretos del pasado comienzan a emerger, incluyendo las consecuencias de la noche de amor que compartieron cuando Hunter fue coronado heredero directo del alfa Alastair... La pasión no resuelta entre Fierce y Hunter se convierte en una fuerza impulsora irresistible, pero también en una barrera que amenaza con separarlos. ¿Serán capaces de superar sus diferencias y aceptar la verdad que siempre supieron en sus corazones? ¿O las cicatrices del pasado serán obstáculos insuperables para permanecer juntos? ¿Será Hunter capaz de perdonar a Fierce por ocultarle la verdad sobre sus hijos?