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  • 👁 2.1K
  • 8.3

Dangerous, s*xy, and arrogant, badboy billionaire, Dominique Gray always gets his way; in the boardrooms and even in the bedroom. His arrogance is twice the size of his bank account and he walks like he owns the universe. Running away from her past and the life she’d hoped to forget, Robyn Denver fled from Italy to New York City, hoping to start afresh as a practical nurse in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the state. A new life, a new place, and a new identity. Everything is going as planned, not until Robyn crosses paths with Dominique Gray, one of the country’s most influential and powerful figures. He’s everything she’d vowed to stay away from, but yet she hates the fact that he brings out the woman in her she’d locked and long suppressed. He’s alluring, manipulative, domineering, all of everything she loathes, but yet she can’t resist the billionaire’s charms. Dominique wants the one thing he knows he can’t have, but yet he’s not willing to back down. Robyn Denver is everything challenging and feisty, and one thing Dominique Gray loves is challenge. After a heated and passionate one night together in a masked charity event, Robyn walks away with Dominique Gray craving for more. But what happens when Dominique Gray wants the one thing Robyn isn’t willing to give? Her heart. And when the past Robyn has been running away from disrupts her new life, will Robyn let her heart cherish the one best thing in her life or will her past keep them apart? *** CONTENT WARNING: This story is rated for a mature audience and includes explicit sexual content, sexual language and violence.

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  • 👁 8.6K
  • 8.9

“Why can’t I f*ck*ng hit you?” Thomas shouts, hitting the belt close to her feet. “Why” he smacks it above her head on the door. “Why, f*ck*ng why” to her body’s right and left sides. Melina trembles against the door with her eyes shut and head tucked between her knees.  She jumps, sniffing Thomas' cologne, and tries to hide more. He must be bending down. “I want to inflict pain on you, Melina, but I f*ck*ng can’t. Tell me why I f*ck*ng can’t. Tell me why” she bites her lips to muff her wails as she fears they will only make things worse for her. “F*ck*ng look at me when I'm talking to you” Thomas grabs her hair and pulls her head up.  “I'm- so-r-r-r-y” she turns to face him with her tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes. “Did you think it would work? Did you actually think you could get me arrested and you could run away? Are you that f*ck*ng dumb, Melina?” he tightens his grip around her hair, and it begins to hurt now. Melina can’t believe this is what he thinks. How will she prove it was never her plan to get him arrested?  Melina Davis was born with the face and body of a goddess. Her heart was as beautiful as her, but it never did her any good. Melina was the unluckiest woman in this world when it came to love. Her first love was an abusive con artist who made sure to exploit Melina's kindness. The second one who Melina felt was genuinely worthy of owing her heart was far more dangerous than her first. His name is Thomas Costanzo. He is the second in command of the Costanzo mafia. He was highly feared in the mafia world. Some even feared him more than the don of the Costanzo mafia. Melina didn't know she shouldn't cross him, and she did. She broke the heart of one of the most feared men on this earth, and now, he is out searching for her. Once he finds her, Melina will wish she never crossed paths with him.

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  • 👁 7.2K
  • 8.7

“Dance!” She seductively swayed her body and bit her lips before closing her eyes to feel the s*xy rhythm of the music from her earphones. Her body moved on its own like it was accompanying the s*xy song. She’s in the kitchen, drinking some milk when she suddenly felt like dancing. She’s sure that nobody would see her since she was the only person who was left in the house. “Ooh baby…” She mumbled, harmonizing the song desirably. She was only wearing her black short shorts and a lose white shirt paired with a fluffy slippers. She didn’t care if her long black hair was messy, after all, she was alone at the moment. She continued dancing sexily as the music climbed up to its climax. Her fingers traced her curves as her butt swayed alluringly. It crawled up to her nape and slowly untie her hair clip which made her hair fell and scatter. As she slowly opened her eyes after turning around, her body froze. Her hands that were busy touching her messy hair stopped midway. Shock was written on her face. She straightened her back and stood normally when she saw her dad with his dumbfounded expression. But it didn’t stop there, he’s with his business partners. Sh*t! “L-lets go to the g-garden.” Her dad utterly said and awkwardly walked away. She looked down when she felt embarrassed. D*mn! She was sure that all of them saw her, dancing like an idiot with her eyes closed. After nearly a minute, she lifted her head and was about to go upstairs when her eyes landed to someone that she wanted to forget. Someone whom she wanted to burry for the past three years. Him, staring at her intently from the kitchen door. His fascinating grey eyes scanned her yet the rapid movements of his Adams apple bothered her more. She watched how his slender fingers adjusted his tie before he walked away. He was not so close earlier but she could still smell his addictive manly scent. It was him! One of the most handsome and powerful Ceo in the world. A hot yet cold man that both men and women aim to have. Black De Villa, ------- her ruthless ex-husband.

Book cover
  • Author: HFPerez
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 7K
  • 9.6

All Beau Anderson wants is one night of passion. One night to forget what she had become. Dominic Vasiliy, King of the Underworld. Ruthless, fearless, dominating, and arrogant. He never expected that one night of passion will change him forever. He fell and he fell hard. *** Beau Anderson was a ghost. Only be seen if she wants to. In her opinion, she had everything she had ever wanted in her life. Except one. A child of her own, her own little family; but without all the hullabaloo of getting it. No dating. No romance. Determined to get what she wants, she sets out one night to get it. And bit off more than she could chew. At the newest nightclub in San Francisco, she met Dominic Vasiliy, a man of dangerous mystery and s*x appeal she would do anything to get him. Just for one night. A night of passion and possession, rocking her world and tilting it off its axis. The next day, accomplishing her goal, silent as a mouse, she left him with a sweet kiss on his lips, knowing she would not be meeting him ever again. Little did she know what fate had in store for both of them, complicating her plans for her future. Beau was good with numbers. Not just good. She was the keeper of the secrets of hell. Or the underground. Wanting to go legit, she took a chance and accepted a new client. She would take this job one time then she would disappear. However, trouble came in the name of Dominic, her one-night-stand lover. Her temporary boss. A pure temptation, Dominic also had one goal. To possess the only woman who had captured his heart. No matter her resistance. He also had perils and problems of his own but that won't hinder his plans. He would have her in his life, come hell or high water, Beau Anderson was his. Forever. Delighted he was getting through her wall of defenses despite her no-nonsense air, he decided to make it official. There was one thing he didn't count on though, his enemies. The traitors in an organization he was a leader of targeted the love of his life. Nearly losing her, venting for revenge, he search the underground, doing whatever was necessary to find the men responsible. She resisted his allure. She really did but her heart won over her genius mind. She was his. His equal in all aspects. Caution thrown in the wind, she set out to help Dominic despite his protest. Together, they succeeded. The dangers of their world outshined their destiny. Mature Content 18+ Romance/Action

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  • 👁 3.2K
  • 9.8

“Why do you even care?” I fired back at him hotly, my glare burning holes into his gorgeous face. It had been all about the passion and toe curling orgasms that he had given me but now, as I stare into his eyes, all I could feel was a need to slap that face. Hard. Annoyed, I threw up my hands into the air. “We are not even in a relationship, for god's sake!” my jaw tightened. “So I can f*ck or go out with any man I d*mn please!” Immediately the words left my mouth, I knew at once that I had chosen my words badly. Damien made no overt move, but his eyes went hard and dark. He began to walk towards me and I retreated in alarm, my pulse accelerating. He continued to stalk to my side untill he successfully backed me into a wall. He stopped in front of me and placed his hands on either sides of my head, caging me in. His head came down untill he was staring into my eyes. “That's where you've got it all wrong, bunny,” he murmured, his voice a low, velvety timbre sending jolts of arousal to my loins. “You are mine, you always have been. Make no mistake about that.” **** Do I have a job that I love so much? Yes. Do I have a rude, grumpy boss that makes my blood boil and makes me plot ways to kill him and make it look like an accident? Abso-f*ck*ng-lutely! That was me untill one misaddressed email came to disrupt everything I have worked for. And then I had to do a favor for The Boss. My name is Cheryl Chastain and I am totally 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑒𝑑.

Book cover
  • Author: Mizzy
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 4.8K
  • 8.2

Blurb Liam nodded slowly, " I understand this is a bit too much to take in, just take your time. " " We barely know each other, " She blurted out after a minute. " I know, but we will if you agree to sign the baby contract. I know we're not doing this because we love each other but I'll promise you one thing " He said in the same quiet tone. She raised her eyebrows, " And what would that be? " " Although we don't love each other, I promise to take care of you and our baby, give you all the protection you need, and make sure you never lack anything, " He said softly and Carla knew right then that he meant every word. " I'll treat you well even though ours won't be a marriage of love, " He added, shoving his hands into his pockets. She nodded slowly, " So I just have to give you a baby and the marriage will be annulled after a year? " She asked " File for a divorce, " He corrected. " And you'll give me fifty million dollars? " She asked again. He nodded, " Of course. " " And what happens to my baby after we divorce? " She asked earnestly. " I'll either be given custody of our baby or you will, we'll discuss that later, not now. " " I'd still be your assistant, won't I? " She asked in a serious tone and he shook his head. " Of course not. Once we get married, you'll stay home and focus on giving me a child. Everything you need will be provided to you, servants will be at your beck and call, " He said and Carla sighed. It sounded like a dream come true but she never wanted to be a full housewife, she wanted to do something too, not stay idle. " So I'm just a baby factory, " She lamented and smiled bitterly. She was doing this for the money, she knew. Heck, she would do almost anything if it would pay her family's debts and make her mother happy. She was selling her happiness, she knew, but she didn't care.


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