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  • Author: Aerawrites
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 9.1K
  • 9.3

(Completed) At her step-sister's birthday dinner, Nina was drugged by her family and sold to an old pervert. In her desperate attempts to escape, Nina comes across Jayden Luxton, the business tycoon. “Marry me, and I promise to keep you alive and unharmed.” He proposed. With her innocence in line, Nina has no other choice but to marry him. Jayden wanted a wife and Nina needed protection. The deal was a win-win situation where both parties got what they wanted. However, the prerequisite was that they couldn't fall in love with each other. As two individuals who lived an exhausting life that lacked color and love, all hell would unloose once they lived under the same roof. After their every lovemaking session, he would always remind her. “Don’t fall for me. If not, you'd end up hurting yourself.” Yet, he was the one who couldn't let go of her and kept spoiling her to no end! “Boss, someone bullied Madam at her college.” The next day, Springfield College, the top college in Spring City, disappeared overnight from the country. - “Boss, madam has taken fancy to Paris, the most renowned clothing brand in the world.” As a result, the entire collection of Paris was emptied to decorate a certain someone's wardrobe. - “Boss, madam went on a date with a wild man.” The poker-faced and aloof CEO finally had a crack in his expression as his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Does she think it's that easy to get rid of me?”

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  • Author: Shades
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 10.7K
  • 6.7

“I'm pregnant and it's for you.” Her eyes were shut as she finally made the statement. Cold air descended in the room as she opened her eyes to stare at Jack who looking at her dead in the eyes. “What?” He finally asked after staring at her and she gulped before responding. “I'm pregnant." She replied, more boldly. “Over a month gone.” She added and she noticed his jaw tighten. His face hardened, making her more nervous. Sighing loudly, he took his hand to his hair and racked his hand through it. “Has the doctor confirmed it?" He asked, refusing to believe that she was truly pregnant. “I want to be in my child's life.” he stated lowly and she turned sharply to stare at him like the words pricked her like needles. Jack Antonio is the youngest and most eligible bachelor in the city. During one of his visits to his favorite bar, he comes across Karen, and her image sticks in his mind forever. They get into a one night stand few weeks later, and now, she wants billionaire, but it's not just for love. Karen smith is a 24 year old blogger and journalist. After being kicked out from the firm where she worked, she's left unemployed and realizes that she has to use someone to get to the top so she turns to the one person nearby… But, things get messy when feelings get involved. Jack finds, out, and leaves, but by then, there's already a baby involved. He fights to get her and the child back, but then, her ex is back, and he came to fulfill his promise years ago. A love triangle emerges. Karen is in the midst of two billionaires. One, she has a child for, and the other, a past.

Book cover
  • 👁 133.3K
  • 6.4

“I, Madeline Clark, rejec…,” I started speaking, but Alpha Dimitri stopped me by putting his hand over my mouth. He pulled me closer to him and growled. “What the hell are you doing?!” he shouted. “I am not letting you do this, Maddie. I’ve waited for you for months and I am not going to lose you!” His eyes held so much pain and his voice was laced with panic. “You are mine, Maddie,” he said as he leaned in and pressed a small kiss on my forehead. “You are mine, and I am not letting you go.” Madeline is a 17-year-old girl who still hasn’t shifted into her wolf. Her father abandoned her mother when she was very young. She’s been bullied and laughed at all the time. After she lost her mom, the person who loved her the most, Madeline is completely distraught and broken. Her father comes back to take her back to his pack. Madeline is against it, but her financial situation forces her to go with him. Dimitri is a Lycan wolf, the Alpha of his very successful pack. He is 22 years old, and he still hasn’t found his mate. When Madeline comes to his pack, he is very surprised to find out that she is his mate. He is also very frustrated because she is his stepsister who still hasn’t shifted. She can’t recognize him as her mate. Madeline struggles in the new pack. She doesn’t have the best relationship with her stepmother. She can’t wait to turn 18 and leave. What will happen when Madeline finds out who her mate is? What will Dimitri do after she rejects him? Will he be able to convince her to stay?


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