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Rose Sam$

  • 👁 89.5K
  • 6.9
  • 📚 11

About me

Hey Lovelies! I am Rose, an introverted person. I love bringing my imaginations to life. I am a lover of Fantasy and Romance as well. Do check my books out and share how you feel about them. 🌹🌹🌹


Book cover
  • Author: Rose Sam$
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 11.4K
  • 8.7

Extract No. 1... I instantly looked up at AUDER and he was not having it with me. I could feel the sexual tense in his anger and until he fucks his frustration out, he won't leave me alone. I was mentally prepared to take his brutality but I wasn't physically ready. However, who am I to complain to? No one cares about me at all. Who will care about a slave anyway? Standing bare before him, with chains around my ankles, he pulled me to the bed and forced me to bend over. With tears streaming down my face, Auder thrusted into my sore p*ssy. AUDER forcefully squeezed my boobs as he f*ck*d me aggressively. I was whimpering and I could tell my pain was giving him enough pleasure by how he was moaning. "What are you?" he suddenly asked and before I could find my voice, a whip landed on my back. Extract No. 2..... I gazed at him lazily with those dreamy eyes of mine. I couldn't get enough of his emerald green eyes boring straight into my soul. "You have been staring, you want a taste of my lips?" I didn't mind his question and I wanted badly to know how they taste. My imaginations were running mild, "how nice can it be to have you take me to cloud 9?" I am a slave, not just a slave but AUDER's sexual slave. Won't Maverick mind knowing that I have been tossed around for two years? He is an Alpha prince and I am slave, once rejected by my mate, whatever I was dreaming was close to impossible yet the man standing before me want to turn my dream into reality. There was one obstacle and that's AUDER, he would never let me have a shot at happiness. "Don't be afraid, I am sure I can give you all the happiness in the world." I swallowed hard and before I could nod to what he said, he captured my lips and every reservation I might have had, vanished. ******* Humiliation and pain have been the order of the day for Mia Woods since she mistakenly killed her best friend, Emily, the Alpha Princess, during one of her hunts two years back. Becoming a slave to the royal family was her punishment for murdering the princess, not just a slave but a tool for amusement for the pompous soon-to-be Alpha of the Blue Avery pack, AUDER RAZA. Everything changed when a rogue billionaire prince came into the picture. Fate and love collided and a hidden secret was revealed. Who is Mia Woods? Find out in this mind blowing story of betrayal and love.

Book cover
  • Author: Rose Sam$
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 615
  • 8.9

Extracto No. 1... Instantáneamente miré a AUDER y él no estaba contento conmigo. Podía sentir la tensión sexual en su ira y hasta que no elimine su frustración, no me dejará en paz. Estaba mentalmente preparado para soportar su brutalidad, pero no estaba físicamente preparado. Sin embargo, ¿ante quién soy yo para quejarme? A nadie le importo en absoluto. ¿A quién le importará un esclavo de todos modos? De pie desnudo ante él, con cadenas alrededor de mis tobillos, me llevó a la cama y me obligó a inclinarme. Con lágrimas corriendo por mi rostro, Auder empujó mi dolorido coño. AUDER apretó con fuerza mis tetas mientras me follaba agresivamente. Estaba lloriqueando y me di cuenta de que mi dolor le estaba dando suficiente placer por cómo gemía. "¿Qué vas a?" preguntó de repente y antes de que pudiera encontrar mi voz, un látigo aterrizó en mi espalda. Extracto No. 2..... Lo miré perezosamente con esos ojos soñadores que tengo. No podía tener suficiente de sus ojos verde esmeralda taladrando directamente mi alma. "Has estado mirando, ¿quieres probar mis labios?" No me importó su pregunta y tenía muchas ganas de saber cómo saben. Mi imaginación se estaba volviendo suave, "¿Qué lindo puede ser que me lleves a la nube 9?" Soy una esclava, no sólo una esclava sino una esclava sexual de AUDER. ¿No le importará a Maverick saber que me han estado dando vueltas durante dos años? Él es un príncipe Alfa y yo soy un esclavo, una vez rechazado por mi pareja, lo que sea que estaba soñando era casi imposible, pero el hombre que estaba frente a mí quería convertir mi sueño en realidad. Había un obstáculo y ese es AUDER, él nunca me dejaría tener una oportunidad de ser feliz. "No tengas miedo, estoy seguro de que puedo darte toda la felicidad del mundo." Tragué fuerte y antes de que pudiera asentir a lo que dijo, capturó mis labios y todas las reservas que podría haber tenido se desvanecieron. ******* La humillación y el dolor han estado a la orden del día para Mia Woods desde que mató por error a su mejor amiga, Emily, la Princesa Alfa, durante una de sus cacerías hace dos años. Convertirse en esclava de la familia real fue su castigo por asesinar a la princesa, no solo una esclava sino una herramienta de diversión para el pomposo futuro Alfa de la manada Blue Avery, AUDER RAZA. Todo cambió cuando un príncipe multimillonario rebelde entró en escena. El destino y el amor chocaron y se reveló un secreto oculto. ¿Quién es Mía Woods? Descúbrelo en esta alucinante historia de traición y amor.

Book cover
  • Author: Rose Sam$
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 13.7K
  • 6.5

EXTRACT.... I felt a hand snuck behind my back and flicked my eyes open. Before I could realize it, I was sitting on Zain's lap facing him. How did I end up on his lap? I struggled to get down but he held my waist, making it hard for me to get up from his lap. "Zain, are you insane? Let me down." I screamed and he covered my mouth with his right hand. "Stop shouting, people will hear you" He said and I glared at him. He chuckled and pulled his hand away from my mouth. "I miss you, I have been thinking about you since morning" He said, his hot breath fanning my chest. I was not in for his game this midday so I struggled to get down but he would not let me. " Zain, I beg you let me go," I retorted to begging. "You did not hear what I said huh?" He asked, laughing at me with his eyes. "I heard you but please can you let me down, anyone can see you or your wife can even walk through at any moment," I tried to reason with him but it looked like his demons were at work. "You know, I am suddenly horny and I want to get you under me. That's the only way I can let you go. I want to have you right here right now." . . . Loving can be hard especially in cases where the person you are loving is unreachable. That's the situation Jenny Thompson found herself in, in love with her ex, Zain Zidat, who is now married to her sister, Susan. With both being under the same roof, can the heart stop going for what it wants? Find out in this story of love and betrayal. *BOOK 1*


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