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Book cover
  • Author: Aimee Lane
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 19.1K
  • 6.7

Jesse is a normal girl from a f*ck*d-up family. The only thing she wants is freedom. Casimir, the dark and ruthless Wolf King, reigns in the protected, underground dens of the wolf world. He holds the power to compel anyone--human, or wolf--to do as he commands. Now, he needs a new mate, because the previous two killed themselves. After watching Casimir steal the minds and wills of the other women who have been kidnapped along with Jesse as potential mates, she knows he is even more powerful than the urban legends she's heard. Fearing that if the Wolf King touches her with his power she'll lose herself forever, Jesse makes a decision: She offers to submit to Casimir's dominance, to make herself his slave, to bear his heir... and to live. (Which is more than any of his previous mates managed.) But in return, he must vow to never use that compulsion on her. Fascinated, both by her boldness, and by the surge in his power when she willingly offers herself, Casimir takes her as his newest mate. But Casimir isn't the only wolf who wants Jesse. While Jesse's will to resist Casimir is eroded by the sizzling chemistry between them, she's also drawn by the tender safety offered by a much less powerful wolf. A wolf that Casimir would kill if he had any clue the male cared for Jesse. As she navigates the brutal world of the wolves, Jesse may submit to Casimir in body, but she stays strong in her mind and heart. Will Casimir break Jesse just as he broke two mates before her? Or, will Jesse flee with another wolf and leave Casimir forever? Has the Wolf King finally met his match?

Book cover
  • Author: Anya Ivy
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 3.7K
  • 9.0

He ground down on his molars when his eyes fell to her lips, looking thoroughly p*ss*d for reasons she couldn't possibly fathom. "What are you doing to me?" "What do you mean?" She whispered, her eyes trained on his firm lips. She willed him to kiss her. Willed him so much that if she'd had her powers, he would already be kissing her this very moment. A merciless sorceress… Maria Hatzi, daughter of the ruthless tyrant, Ariti, was a sorceress known far and wide across realms. She was feared just as she was hated—with a passion. Immortals trembled at the mention of her name and warlocks dared not to cross her path. An unforgiving vampire… Bran Karras’ entire household has been wiped out by Maria, and his only sister has now been captured by her. Bran was a lot of things, but a forgiver wasn’t one of them and he had absolutely no intentions of letting Maria go away with what she did to his family. Fuelled by rage, Bran captures the powerful sorceress, holding her prisoner in his dungeon and torturing her to the brink of insanity. Over the course of events, unwanted attraction blossoms between the two and it takes no time for Bran’s feelings of hatred towards her to turn into something more. Something he had no business feeling for the woman that murdered his entire family. Amidst chaos, truths are told and revelations are made. Bran realizes that things with Maria weren’t as they seemed and he discovers that she might not be the villain he had painted her to be.


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