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  • 👁 6.2K
  • 9.3

*18+ content included!* If you are looking for a story with a submissive, all-forgiving female lead, this is not the novel for you. ***** She smirks, before asking “do you like that, my little mate?”. I’m too far gone to even care about the “little” part now, all I want is her tongue back where it was a second ago. “Yes..” I manage to breathe out, before she licks it again, and shortly wraps her lips around my tip. F*ck. I moan, shivering when she pulls back. “Say please, my little mate” she taunts, her eyes still glued to mine and her hand still pleasuring me. “Please Lola” I breathe out. And just like that, she wraps her mouth around the tip, before taking in my c*ck until it hits the back of her throat. We both moan loudly, and I close my eyes momentarily in pure ecstasy. I almost whimper when she pulls it out again to say “look at me while I please you”. I comply immediately, and she grins before continuing her delicious torture. Her other hand moves to play with my balls and I know I’m not going to last long. ***** Lola is an omega within the Red Dagger pack. She was found as a baby abandoned in the woods by her adoptive mother, who has long passed by now. Lola is not your typical submissive she wolf. She is sassy, with anger issues bubbling just beneath the surface. With her curvy body, blonde hair and green eyes she is the total opposite of all the other wolves appearance wise. And as a result, is treated like an outcast after her best friend Chris – the alpha heir – turns on her without warning as young children. Ignored by almost everyone and bullied and beaten by her former best friend and his gang daily, Lola long awaits the day and year she turns 18 when she gets her wolf and is able to finish high school to leave Red Dagger. All she has to do is withstand one more schoolyear of it all, despite the constant desire to fight back and the struggles to reign in her anger. But what happens when the bucket runs over and her restraint finally snaps? What happens when she faces off those who have tormented her for years, thinking she is a weak little girl, although she has been secretly training hard for years on her own? As the story unfolds, she will come across those who desire her as well as her fated mates – the Lycan princes. Lola has never wanted a mate and after all betrayals is reluctant to trust anyone anymore – but will she let any of them in eventually? And what happens when her wolf is revealed and her origins are questioned when she gains special powers? Will she find her happy ever after with a mate, her fated mates, or stay alone?

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  • Author: Simran
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 3.6K
  • 9.0

Temptation. The desire which is not easy to resist, is called Temptation. *** Cyrus Knight The Billionaire businessman who is popular in the whole country for being the biggest playboy. He is an infamous heartbreaker of the nation. He is very selfish, self centered, egoistic and stubborn person. He doesn’t like anything going against his will. If he wants something then he gets it at any cost. He can go to any lengths to get whatever it is that he desires. And he desires Natalie Miller. She caught his attention when she was attending his birthday party and now he wanted to see her on his bed shivering under him. But she refused him and he didn’t like that at all. Natalie Miller is step daughter of millionaire businessman Edwin Miller who is nothing but a money hungry man. Despite coming from such a rich family and having everything one could ever desire, Natalie is a girl who has seen and faced the worst in her short twenty four years of life. Everything which is difficult for you and me to even imagine. Still she was living her life while going with the flow waiting for the day when her miseries are finally going to end until she met Cyrus Knight. She didn’t know that he is going to become another nightmare in her life that she will be living with everyday. They were complete opposite but he didn’t care. He just wanted to fulfill his newly ignited desires, which were the result of the insults she threw at him, hurting his ego. Now his bruised pride wanted to take revenge on her for insulting him. His temptation to have her and make her his, to ruin her in every way possible encouraged him to go all out and he did. He got married with her, promising her to make rest of her life a living hell. Is his temptation going to break her beyond repair or will their story going to have an unpredictable twist in its plot?

Book cover
  • Author: Ms.M
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 14.4K
  • 9.2

Gabriella is married off to an Alpha by her parents against her will. She is forced to leave her old life behind and move in with the Alpha, who is known for his power and control within the pack. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually comes to accept her new life alongside Alpha Aiden. However, she soon realizes that the Alpha is a cruel and abusive man who uses his position to control her every move. Aiden wanted the title and to receive it , he had to take a wife. As Grabiela is about to enter his life, Aiden decides to make it fun and turn it into a game, with her as the main pond, between him and his friends. When the abuse and lies weigh too heavy she realizes that she has to leave but will he let her go? Or will he tighten his grip and lock the doors? ”I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?” ”They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack,” ”So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?” ”How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?” ”The challenge is to make her submit to you.” ”We’ll make it more interesting-” ”- I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year,” ”I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,” ”Not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly in love with you by the end of the year,” ”Ten grand to whoever wins,” Explicit sexual abuse, violence, and otherwise TW scenes later in the book. Will warn in Author Notes***


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