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Brandy Salmon

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  • Novel Reviews: 3

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  • Author: Hawtsaus
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 21.1K
  • 9.0

CONTENT WARNING! This book may contain depictions of sexual assault, suicide, explicit intimacy, and dark content! 'You smell so good, divine. ' He drawled out the words, dipping his nose on the side of my neck. The warmth of his breath fanned the skin, raising goosebumps along the area. My back ached when he latched his warm mouth on my skin, sucking hungrily. I lifted my hips up, attempting to add more friction between us. The rest of the people faded, mind body and soul focusing on our man. 'Please don't stop. ' I pitifully begged when he kneeled down, putting a distance between us. 'Ssssshhh love, soon baby. ' He purred,  guiding two fingers in my eagerly waiting mouth. *************** Scarlet Baranov has lived all her life without a wolf as an outcast and a slave under the leadership of one cruel Alpha, until one night, his abuse goes beyond the bounds. Determined to preserve the tiny bit of her dignity left, Scarlett flees, only to wander into the territory of the most notorious alpha in the were community, whose hatred for rogues runs deep in his tainted veins, Alpha Jaxon. Having turned rogue after her escape, scarlet faces a torturous death in the arms of Jaxon, who is scared by his painful past. She suddenly shifts into her wolf, only to find out that she is mated to the very man who swore to kill her. Rejected and accused of conspiring with her former alpha to finish Jax off, Scarlett finds out that the events that led to her escape had borne a bitter fruit of unexpected and unwanted pregnancy. Everything is different from what it seems, submerged in twisted turns, secrets and past sins that Jax and Scarlett must uncover. Will Jax be able to look past his hunger for blood, the pregnancy, give into the powerful bond and accept his fated mate? Or will he punish her for something she knows nothing of and live miserably for the rest of his life?

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  • 👁 97.8K
  • 10.0

BOOK ONE of COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with? *** BOOK TWO: The Rogues Who Went Rogue

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  • Author: Saree Bee
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 6.8K
  • 7.1

Hannah is a nomadic rogue who has spent her whole life learning how to be a thief by her father as a means of survival. When her father demands she take a mate for his financial gain, she feels hopeless and stuck since it'll mean leaving her twin ten year old brothers behind. A quick twist of fate lands her at the Nightwind pack where the Alpha's twin sons Rafe and Parker quickly realize Hannah is no ordinary female: she is in fact their fated mate. Though Hannah is still without her wolf, she too can’t deny the attraction. However, all three weave a thick web of lies in their attempts to get ahead. To one up the other and prove themselves despite numerous things working to keep them away from one another. To get on Hannah's good graces, the twins put all their efforts into finding her lost brothers. It’s all they can do to keep her at their pack and safe, when all she wants to do is leave. They quickly realize though she's uneducated, she's far from a stupid girl. When it seems all hope is lost, she's forced to deal with her lying father to finally get the truth. A rogue with nothing to lose is the worst kind of danger. What will Hannah do when she finds out her entire life has been a lie? That she's just been used as a pawn by the very man who was supposed to be her biggest protector? Find out in: The Alpha Twins Steal A Thief! Hannah: My father's voice and advice is forever in my thoughts. I'm loyal to you, no one else is.

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  • 👁 31.4K
  • 8.3

Book Two in the Havermouth Pack Series - The sequel to "The Pack's Secret Keeper" ** Trigger Warnings - this is a DARK werewolf/vampire bullyboy romance book, featuring non-con/dub-con, gaslighting, violence, and a range of very kinky group s*x bxg and bxb, sounding, masochism, bondage, BDSM, Daddy-Dom, and more ** The storm will pass... but what the flood waters bring with them, is hungry... Triquetras form when there are times of peril, and more than one alpha might be needed to protect the female and young. The Havermouth Triquetra therefore is both a blessing to the pack and their families, and a harbinger of troubled times to come. Alpha werewolves born to the pack’s elite families, privileged, handsome, and wealthy, Heath Gale, Cameron Edison, and Rhett Salem seem to have it all. However, behind the shine, there are shadows, and in the pack misogyny and intolerance run as deep as the river through Havermouth, influencing every decision that the three make. Hiding that their Triquetra is bi-sexual, and that they are each other’s mates is a necessity, not an option, and they eagerly await the day when their female mate is revealed, and they can openly claim their love for one another. When that mate appears however, she is not what they expected. She is human, intractable, and rebellious – and she does not like them. Or, at least, she does not like all of them. Will the female mate that they’d hoped would save them, tear them apart?


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