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Fallen Between

  • 👁 956
  • 7.5
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Melodie tried everything to get the attention of Jax, a friend she grew up with. Even if it means using words to hurt him. While Jax wants her, his life is complicated and he can't add another woman to it. As a Navy Seal, Melodie's father is his commander. Jax values his life, and vows never to touch her despite temptation. While Jax works a mission with her father, he is shocked to see her in a club, walking into a forbidden room of a BDSM club. He drags her out while she screams, and begs her to stay away from the place, but she ignores him. She gets herself in more trouble, deciding to work for the police, undercover as an erotic dancer. The person she is working to take down, is the same man, her fathers team is trying to capture. Jax tries to pull her free from the trap she finds herself in but nothing can. Soon, the past missions of Jax and Melodie's father, come back for revenge, and it's clear, Melodie is their target. Jax finally gives in to her, and their marriage quickly follows, but that silent life doesn't last long. With the main guy escaping, Melodie signs up to be a an assassin, and while trying to save her, Jax is forced to leave her for life. Breaking her heart, he walk away. Vowing to himself he will find a way to get free and prove he never stopped loving her. Only when he comes back. Melodie has fallen for someone else, or rather three other men, Jax's team mates. The ones who stuck around and helped raise Jax's son after he broke her heart and walked away. Can he overcome the face he needs to share her now he has got his life back?



Review after half of the novel

Really do like this story even tho it’s not the style I like to read. I personally prefer to read first person style stories like a lot of your other stories but I still do like this one a lot. The relationship with Jax and Melodie is soooo rocky and I do kinda know what happens later on the story was I have read other ones of yours and have read the kinda cross over with them. Tho still can’t wait to read on!

October 5, 2024

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