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  • 10.0

Amelie Pearce, nacida en el seno de una de las principales familias del crimen de Chicago, es una princesa de la mafia famosa por su atractivo físico. Sin embargo, lo que muchos perciben como una bendición se convierte en su perdición cuando se ve obligada a casarse con Gio Locatelli, con el fin de establecer la paz entre dos dinastías mafiosas. Gio es el futuro jefe del cártel Locatelli dentro de la Famiglia de Nueva York, un hombre tristemente célebre por su naturaleza brutal y por haber estrangulado a su primo con sus propias manos. Millie está aterrorizada ante la perspectiva de casarse con semejante monstruo. A pesar de ser uno de los solteros más deseados de Nueva York por su atractivo, su riqueza y su carismático pero depredador comportamiento, Millie comprende que la personalidad de chico malo de Gio es algo más que una actuación. Detrás de los cautivadores ojos grises y la arrogante sonrisa de Gio se esconden el derramamiento de sangre y la muerte. En su mundo, un exterior atractivo suele ocultar un monstruo capaz de matar y besar con la misma facilidad. Sin embargo, escapar de una unión concertada, y mucho menos de un hombre como Gio, es imposible. La perseguiría hasta el fin del mundo. La única esperanza de Millie para sobrevivir en un matrimonio con Gio es ganarse su afecto y abrirse paso poco a poco en su corazón, a pesar de los rumores que sugieren que Gio no posee corazón alguno. Una bella princesa de la mafia entregada a un hombre monstruoso. Incluso los monstruos tienen corazón. Ella quiere encontrar su lugar en él.

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  • 👁 3.7K
  • 10.0

“Stay away, stay away from me, stay away,” she shouted, over and over. She kept shouting even though it seemed she had run out of things to throw. Zane was more than a little interested in knowing exactly what was going on. But he couldn’t focus with the woman making a ruckus. “Will you shut the fuck up!” he roared at her. She fell silent and he saw tears start to fill her eyes, her lips trembled. Oh fuck, he thought. Like most men, a crying woman scared him shitless. He would rather have a gunfight with a hundred of his worst enemies than have to deal with one crying woman. “And your name is?” he asked. “Ava,” she told him in a thin voice. “Ava Cobler?” he wanted to know. Her name had never sounded so beautiful before, it surprised her. She almost forgot to nod. “My name is Zane Velky,” he introduced himself, holding out a hand. Ava’s eyes grew bigger as he heard the name. Oh no, not that, anything but that, she thought. “You have heard of me,” he smiled, he sounded satisfied. Ava nodded. Everyone who lived in the city knew the name Velky, it was the largest mafia group in the state with its centre in the city. And Zane Velky was the head of the family, the don, the big boss, the huge honcho, the Al Capone of the modern world. Ava felt her panicked brain spin out of control. “Calm down, angel,” Zane told her and placed his hand on her shoulder. His thumb went down in front of her throat. If he squeezed, she would be struggling to breathe, Ayya realised, but somehow his hand calmed her mind. “That’s a good girl. You and I need to have a talk,” he told her. Ava’s mind objected to being called a girl. It irritated her even though she was scared. “Who hit you?” he asked. Zane moved his hand to tilt her head to the side so he could look at her cheek and then at her lip. ******************Ava is kidnapped and is forced to realise her uncle has sold her to the Velky family to get out of his gambling debts. Zane is the head of the Velky family cartel. He is hard, brutal, dangerous and deadly. His life don't have room for love or relationships, but he has needs as any hotblooded man. Trigger warnings: Talk about SA Body image issues Light BDSM Descriptive descriptions of assaults Self harm Harsh language

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  • Author: Cali Roni
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.5K
  • 9.7

Sinopsis: Luka, era un joven huérfano, debido a que su madre había fallecido, consecuencia de sus adicciones, cuando él era muy pequeño y su padre, a los pocos meses de eso, lo había abandonado a su suerte. Como resultado de ello, se crio en las calles, mezclándose con toda clase de gente a cuál pero que la anterior. Primero fue miembro de un par de pandillas, hasta que, en una disputa de territorio, terminó mal herido, eso hizo que el capo de una familia de la mafia, la más poderosa, que le venía haciendo un seguimiento, lo encontrara al borde de la muerte. Así que se lo llevó, le salvó la vida y terminó ganándose su lealtad. Haciendo que se convirtiera en su mano derecha primero y luego en el CEO de sus empresas. Alicia, la nieta de ese mafioso, fue secuestrada de niña junto con su madre por el capo de una familia rival, su verdadero abuelo, quien le había perdido el rastro, pero no había dejado de buscarlas jamás, consigue dar con su paradero. Trata de negociar con el secuestrador, pero éste no cede, así que envía, como último recurso, a su mano derecha, Luka. Quien termina recuperando a la niña. Niña que vuelve a ser cautiva, pero ahora de su abuelo, y cuando cree que será libre al fin para elegir como vivir y a quien amar, se ve obligada a casarse con su último raptor. Ninguno de los jóvenes se ama, es más, ni siquiera se conocen, pero deben hacerlo, la pregunta es; ¿llegarán a enamorarse? y ¿podrá, aquella niña, ahora convertida en mujer, perdonar lo que le hizo éste hombre en contra del que ella creía su padre? No te pierdas esta historia donde hay matrimonio arreglado, CEO, mafia, desencuentros, y mucho más.

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  • 👁 4.2K
  • 9.7

Emmi Solace - Daughter of Candice and sister of Jamie. Emmi has spent the first twenty-three years of her life feeling like she was in prison within her city. With guards at her back, she visits only a few places which she is allowed to. With the strict rules comes knowing eyes. Everyone in the places she visits knows precisely who the princess is. With the watchful eyes of others, Emmi finds no escape, as every moment is reported back. Every person she tries to connect with pushes her away. Her family saw her as a weakness and always had. When their city began to fall, they agreed with the Wolversons that they would give up their daughter to marry one of their sons, seeing it as a way to free them of the burden of having a girl. Emmi, strong-willed and unafraid to fight for her freedom, steps into the Wolverson's city and quickly realises just how different it is from her city. Dante Wolverson is seen as the one in charge, broken from the past and what he witnessed. He tries running his city the way his father did and is happy to achieve results, even if it is through bloodshed. He protests having Emmi within their city and their home, but the alternative is far worse. Will his thoughts on the princess change once he realises she isn't as weak as their sister once was? Zane Wolverson - Sweetheart and loving. Zane is the one who calls Emmi by her name, not pet names, and he doesn't like calling her Princess like so many would to belittle her. Yet Zane's past has left scars that Emmi one day sees herself. With the feeling of not deserving love, he walks a fine line between reality and disaster. He is known as the angel of death, as while he is the calm one when he loses control, he sees nothing. Hears nothing and stops for nothing. He spends his time fighting in an underground fight club to release the hate that he holds inside himself. Which side will Emmi receive? The sweet-loving Zane, or the beast? Bear Wolverson - Biker and fighter. Bear is known for taking no-nonsense just as Emmi finds out the first night she sneaks into their city to try to have some fun. Bear's only real fear is that Emmi will be their downfall after the brothers nearly lost everything over the recent years of disaster. Yet, Emmi seems to warm him and make him want to spend time with her. Gunner Wolverson - Crazy he may be, and he may love the world of torture but for Emmi? There is a side of him that she sees. Gunner is known as the person who will slowly kill a man for information. Pain is his pleasure, and how will Emmi cope with him? Emmi sees Gunner as her 'Big Psychotic Bastard' crazed and ready for bloodshed, he welcomes it. So, which of the brothers will Emmi find herself marrying? Will she choose, and just how many secrets are her family hiding from her? Just how far will her family go to take down the Wolversons, even if it means their own daughter is destroyed and killed in the process? The Wolversons have lost too much already, so once Emmi has their hearts, they fight to save her more than they have ever fought to save themselves. Two cities, and two families, are at war, and only one will survive. Only one can be the rulers. WARNING! This story contains scenes that can be triggering and distressing. The book contains scenes of torture, blood, murder, and more. The book contains scenes of BDSM, MFM, M/MFM/M. This is your only warning, please do not proceed if you are light-hearted, don't like swearing, or the word Cu*t which does appear throughout the book!
