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Fallen Between Reviews



Review after half of the novel

Really do like this story even tho it’s not the style I like to read. I personally prefer to read first person style stories like a lot of your other stories but I still do like this one a lot. The relationship with Jax and Melodie is soooo rocky and I do kinda know what happens later on the story was I have read other ones of yours and have read the kinda cross over with them. Tho still can’t wait to read on!

October 5, 2024

Brittney Anderson

Review after the novel completion

This was a great book! I loved it! Very interesting great story line. Kept you wanting to read more not able to stop kept you guessing. It kinda drug on a little definitely could have cut some of it down but all together it was a great book! Can’t wait to read about the other group that goes along with these books! This author is good! Hope to see more in the future from them. ❤️ 🥰 😍 ❤️

August 4, 2024

Gorgeous Janice

Review after half of the novel

Fallen Between is really better than I thought it would. Jax and Melodie are the two main characters and their relationship is all over the place. Jax is married to a woman who doesn't love him and uses him to make her father happy. Jax also is in love with Melodie, who he feels as though he is her body guard/ baby sitter/ lover at times, but he's so jealous, and doesn't trust her around other men. This story is really good and I would advise readers to give Fallen Between a try to see if they would enjoy the story as well.

July 28, 2024


Review after half of the novel

So far this novel has kept me on the edge with wondering what will occur next as well as I'm always waiting to see if Melodie will be hurt badly from one of her impulse reactions that are never even close to being a smart option even in the slightest. Some of the story line is a bit jumpy like the last few chapters when Oliver comes into the story and also with Ethan. I don't grasp why they keep going to his establishment and the other clubs he frequents and he is the main guy calling the shots then why after every incident she goes to woek Nd Jax j

June 28, 2024