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  • Unlocked Chapters: 408
  • Novel Reviews: 2

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Book cover
  • Author: Annabaibe
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 682
  • 6.7

“ What are you ?” Cornwell Mark the CEO of Timbers and the Alpha of the Timbers pack whispered. ‘ What is it to you ?” I chuckled and leaned back on the door as our eyes clashed and my two beasts rose. “ I have no idea but god help me, my wolf wants me to sink my fangs into you” Cornwell Mark responded without holding back or even an ounce of shame. “ Are you worthy?” I snickered and he burst out in laughter. He moved to stand toe to toe with me and declared “ You will soon find out” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rejected by his parent and the people of Yukon, Luka Roman Ander left Yukon territory ten years ago after his grandparents died while his mother abandoned him and his father turned out to be a drunkard. Years later, he formed Andar Industries and built a multimillion-dollar company in the territory of Nunavut. But as his powers grow he realizes that he can't hide his identity and is even more sore now that his business partner Chairman Mike Yelsh wants him to cooperate with the CEO of Timber Corporation Conwell Mark to build the Silicon City project in Dawson City. The sizzling chemistry between them is undeniable especially when they realize that they are mates. But what will Alpha Cornwell and Rogue Alpha Luka do when they discover that it was Cornwell’s Dad and Uncle who wiped out the pack when he was born? And even went a stepfather to kill the adoptive grandparents of Luka in the search for Luka? The revelations of the past push their mating to test and the trust between them is broken. Will their love for each other survive with Rogue Alpha Luka out for an act of bloodthirsty revenge?


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