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Attention please! This is the First Volume. For the Second Volume please search for: Doctor of Darkness 2 - Hot as Fire - out now! - The Third and Last Volume is out in Mid 2025! Selena supposedly had it all: a career as a surgeon, money, a whole life ahead of her, far away from her own traumatic past! Until the day she was accused of murdering her own grandparents. Her reputation is destroyed. Although she is innocent and was cleared by the court - modern society does not forget. A few years later, she's working as a doctor in an emergency room for the poor and homeless, surrounded daily by the best that London's streets have to offer. Plagued by the nightmares of her past, the night shift there is all that gives her life any meaning now. At least until a man walks into her emergency room, who seems to be out of this world. This one encounter, in the middle of the night, would change her life and draw her into a world she thought only Hollywood could invent. Hired by 2 vampires and a werewolf, Selena becomes overnight the personal castle doctor for the human and supernatural inhabitants - who the lords of the castle want to be well looked after at all times. Dragan von Sternberg has searched half of London for a doctor who can look after his family and employees, before they all run away in droves. But no one can withstand the overpowering aura of him and his two closest friends. Everyone runs away in fear - except her. A beautiful, blonde doctor who seems to live like an angel in the swamp. She is not afraid, she counters and she cares. In just a few moments, Doctor Selena Darvis wins over Dragan, who, with over 800 years of life experience, is not often impressed. He wants her and soon he needs her - because unusual occurrences in the supernatural world are soon to take on greater dimensions and in the end humans and vampires are both in danger - unless everyone starts fighting!


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