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Best Romance Novels


Samantha Abbott

  • 👁 7.1K
  • 8.2
  • 📚 2

About me

Hello readers, so you'd like to know a bit about me huh? Well, I am an author. I have written and self-published four books so far but I won't be stopping anytime soon. All of my work is paranormal werewolf romance because it's what I love. I became an official author after the release of my first novel in 2021 The Last of The Moon Light Pack which turned into a series and is fully published and available on Amazon Kindle (Also paperback.) My goal with all my books is to keep my readers on their toes. I love a good romance but it has to have more than just the spice. I strongly believe in writing what you want to read and oh boy do I ever. Plot twists that keep you guessing and characters that pull you in. And let's not forget the steam because what's a good novel without that am I right? I hope you enjoy my style of writing and I can keep you coming back for more.



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