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  • 👁 12.8K
  • 9.7

If you have read The Blood Moon Luna, then you are definitely familiar with Alpha Kieran and Luna Fran. If you’ve not read The Blood Moon Luna then this will be a fun introduction to the Blood Moon series. Either way, I hope you truly enjoy this story. Did you ever wonder how it all began for this amorous couple? Did they always have the relationship we caught humorous glimpses of when they embarrassed Alpha Frankie? Come with me on a trip down memory lane to get a glimpse of life pre-Frankie. Alpha Kieran didn’t have the same loving household to grow up in that he provided for his son and worse yet he had been unlucky when it came time to find his mate. After several fruitless blood moons and waiting for potential mates to come of age, he decided to travel to one of the mating balls hosted throughout the country by other packs. At the Shadow Moon Pack ball Alpha Kieran scented his mate, but the wild child daughter of the pack’s Beta wasn’t going to just succumb to the trap of the mate bond, especially to some Alpha from the east coast. Kieran was smitten at first sight and knew if his beautiful mate would only give their bond a chance that he would make her the happiest woman in the world. Frannie and her best friend, the Alpha’s daughter, Hope made a vow when they were younger that they weren’t going to fall victim to the mate bond. They were going to live wild carefree lives and grow to be those cool old ladies they read about in human magazines and saw on television. Growing up under the microscope of being a child of pack leadership, Frannie was determined to live a life outside of that spotlight. How did the debonair and tradition oriented Kieran capture the heart of his rebel mate? Was there anything he wouldn’t do to get Frannie to give fate a chance? What was the turning point that changed her heart? Come along on the journey as we find out how Kieran met Fran and the distance one Alpha went to capture the heart of his goddess given mate.

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  • 👁 12.9K
  • 8.6

"I am bound to punish you for breaking the rules," he said as he started undoing his tie. I swallowed, the thought of being punished by him terrified and excited me at the same time. I needed this. The heat pooled between my legs as I watched him undo his tie with one hand and his belt in the other. It was hot. He grabbed me by the neck, bending me over the table with my face down on the surface and my *ss high up in the air. He caressed my soft flesh with his palm. "Count," he ordered, My brows furrowed in confusion, the haze of lust so heavy in my head that my brain failed to grasp his words. The first slap landed on my *ss cheeks and I cried out. "Count," he barked. I whimpered but I nodded my head to his request. "One," I counted as the first slap came on my behind. I kept counting as he delivered blows to my now red *ss. "Good girl," he murmured as he rubbed them gently, to take away the ache. I was moist and he could sense it. Dipping his finger into my p*ssy, he confirmed how wet I was for him. "Hmm," he hummed, embarrassment slammed into me with enough force. I barely knew this man and here I was letting him possess me. I liked it. I licked my lips in anticipation of what he wished to do, his lips touched the nape of my neck and I jumped. He licked the juncture of my neck, and the pulsating nerves there responded to his touch. "You taste so sweet," he murmured as he kissed his way down my neck. "T...thank you," I managed to get out. "Let me make you mine," he says,

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  • Author: JulsLp
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 12
  • 7.5

Valerian, una mujer marcada por las sombras de su pasado, ha dedicado gran parte de su vida a enfrentarse a las oscuras tramas tejidas por su propia familia y los turbulentos negocios que los unían. En medio de esta lucha, se vio envuelta en una relación que, lejos de traerle paz, la condujo al borde del abismo. Fue ahí donde experimentó en carne propia las consecuencias de los deseos sombríos que desencadenaron un desenlace doloroso, obligándola a huir. Sin embargo, ninguna de las adversidades pasadas la preparó para lo que vendría a continuación. En un giro inesperado del destino, una profunda, misteriosa e inestable mirada la envolvió con solo un pestañeo. Todos sus escudos y prejuicios se desmoronaron, arrastrándola a un remolino de sentimientos problemáticos que la sumergieron en el ojo de la tormenta, donde las verdades se entrelazaban con las mentiras. Valerian, a pesar de sus intentos por escapar, se encontró atrapada en un entorno donde la cordura flaqueaba ante la revelación de los oscuros secretos ocultos por el enérgico pueblo en el que residía. En su búsqueda por enfrentar al chacal, creyó tener la valentía necesaria para sanar sus heridas y, en el proceso, cambiar su propio destino. Sin embargo, cuando se encontró frente a la corte, se dio cuenta de que, con alguien como Alexander Moore, la escapatoria se volvía una tarea ardua. La historia de Valerian se convierte en un relato cautivador que va más allá de la simple lucha contra las sombras familiares. La trama se enreda con giros inesperados y revelaciones impactantes, llevando a la protagonista a explorar los límites de su propia resistencia emocional. El misterio que rodea a esa profunda mirada y la complejidad de los personajes contribuyen a crear una narrativa que captura la atención del lector, sumergiéndolo en un mundo donde las apariencias engañan y las verdades son esquivas. Valerian, en su intento por liberarse de las cadenas del pasado, descubre que la verdad puede ser tan elusiva como peligrosa. La trama se teje con maestría, revelando capa tras capa de intriga, dejando al lector ansioso por desentrañar los enigmas junto con la protagonista. En un juego de poder y engaño, la historia de Valerian se presenta como algo más que una simple lucha personal; es un viaje hacia lo desconocido, donde cada elección puede cambiar el curso de su vida de maneras inimaginables.

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  • 👁 78
  • 7.5

In an ordinary urban setting, there lived an average young boy. One day, he accidentally consumed a wish fruit from a peculiar world, and with a snap, he found himself transported to a mysterious place—Demon Island. Demon Island was far from the familiar streets and alleys of Jack's daily life; it was an island teeming with strange creatures and mystical forces. The boy was astonished to discover that he possessed incredible abilities, allowing him to communicate with the island's inhabitants and understand the rules of this enigmatic environment. However, this was not the entirety of his journey. Demon Island harbored numerous treasures and puzzles, and the wish fruit seemed to hold even more power waiting to be unearthed. As the boy delved deeper into the island, he formed bonds with a unique group of companions, collectively facing the challenges and adventures the island presented. Throughout the story, the boy would realize that the wish fruit was not just a mere fruit; it served as a link between him and Demon Island. His wishes became the key to unlocking puzzles and overcoming enemies. In this mysterious land, every decision had the potential to alter his destiny. The "Wish Fruit" became the source of power for the boy to explore Demon Island, witnessing his growth, courage, and friendships. The adventure of this ordinary young boy promised to be a captivating journey, an incredible odyssey from the urban streets to the fantastical Demon Island.
