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Her Desired Alphas

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Marabella has lived with a curse her entire life. Born as a Gemini twin, she was considered a bad omen. Always living in the shadow of her twin. Marabella is believed to be tainted by the mark of death. Everyone in her pack fears her. After the rejection of her mate, she learns that there are more secrets out there than just hers. Kyan and his best friend Jonah have a dark secret of their own. One that pulls Marabella between the two men. All of that changes when her darkness turns out not to be a curse but a blessing. When she finally gives in and confronts her demons, she learns they were never really hers at all and that the curse that follows her might just be the key to setting them all free. "Everyone has skeletons in their closet. You just need to choose which ones you can live with, which ones will haunt you a little less…”



Review after the novel completion

I find this book very interesting but I am a bit mad at how everyone is Andrade of Mara like I get she can hurt people but so can her brother and everyone is fine with him but they are all so afraid of Mara and they make her feel like shot about it people bullied her and she had no friends like she was depressed and no one knew but I love how she found love with Johna and how he made her feel

May 2, 2024

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