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Sex With My Mafia Stepbrother

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It was supposed to be a normal siblings bond. Doing the forbidden wasn't part of the idea but Tiffany had other plans. Especially when all she wanted was get fvcked by her hot step brother. *********** The tiny sound. That low vibrating sound!    I kept hoping Luciano would walk out now instead of looking around like he is trying to get something right. It better not be that he is listening to the noise.      I bit my lower lips to subdue the shameless moan about escaping. My breath became uneven as I tried to slowly lower my left hand into the duvet but it wasn't working, that hot *ssh*l* had his gaze fixed on me.     His lips curved into a sly smirk as he shrugged, moved his hair behind his ears and walked away.     "I don't want to know what the heck you were doing, Tiff, next time, just lock the goddam doooooor!".


Sierra King

Review after half of the novel

The only way I could do that was if you had to do a little more work and I would be happy with it but you have a hard day and you don’t want me working on your day so you don’t want me doing that so you can get it all over with your own thing I would be very grateful for it if I can get you some money to do that and then you could

March 29, 2024

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