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  • Author: Destiny B
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 4.5K
  • 10.0

"What's your name, princess?" Princess. It sent a shiver down my spine, and my entire body seemed to catch fire. "Angelique," I managed to respond in a hushed tone, uncertain if he caught my name amid the chaotic beating of my heart. "Angelique," he purred, his voice a sensuous melody, "a perfect name for someone as enchantingly beautiful as you are." My name rolled off his tongue like velvet, each syllable caressing the air. Holy sh*t, was it hot in here, or was it just me? "Uh, thanks. What's yours?" I inquired, capturing my bottom lip between my teeth. His gaze fixated on the subtle movement, and he moistened his lips with a slow, deliberate flick of his tongue, sending heat straight to my core. "Dante Greene. I'm surprised you haven't heard about me," he said, his eyes dancing with amusement, as if he could sense the effect he had on me. Could you imagine? I would literally die right now if he knew why I kept shifting in my seat. Gushes of heat were currently pooling in my underwear like a relentless waterfall, and the more he spoke and stared at me like a predator locked on its prey, the more intense it got... *** 17-year-old Angelique Baker is forced to move to a new town under mysterious circumstances. Starting a new school at the end of her senior year has already turned her world upside down, but just wait until she finds out she's mated to a werewolf and discovers the secrets her dad has been keeping from her since her mom's disappearance.

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Book cover
  • 👁 2.4K
  • 10.0

I stared at the tests, my hands trembling, tears welling up in my eyes. My worst fear had come true—it was... positive. Oh no... it was positive. Sh*t! "Zoey... what the hell do I do?" My voice quivered. "I can't be pregnant... I can't!" God! This can't be real. I couldn't be pregnant.... This would screw everything up even more. A baby, at such an early age, especially when my mates were f*ck*ng thirsty for my blood, I could never afford this. Ever! "Maya, please try to calm down," Zoey urged, guiding me to sit down as I shook uncontrollably. "No, Zoey. I can't calm down. I'm pregnant, and the fathers of this child don't even care about me! They're trying to kill me. What am I supposed to do with this baby?!" I gasped for air, on the verge of hyperventilating. "This is messed up. I have no idea what to do, and if they find out, they'll only make things worse for me,'' Tears rolled down my cheeks; This was such a misery. As the daughter of the Alpha’s Mistress, Maya was an outcast within the pack and tortured by her step-brothers. Alpha's sons—Maximus and Leonardo Sterling, known as the Sterling Twins—Were future Alphas of the Blackthorn pack and had a mission to make Maya's life hell and the best opportunity landed in their hands on her eighteenth birthday it turned out they were her mates. On the very first night, they snatched her innocence and forcefully marked her...all to seek revenge for the wrongs her mother had committed. And when it came to torture the Sterling Twins knew no bounds.... But... What would happen when Maya became pregnant after being marked by the twin stepbrother mates and she decided to escape? And What would happen when several years later the twin alphas decided to pursue her again in order to make their son the heir of the pack?
