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Alpha Ryker's Little Witch

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F*ck Tamara! you smell so f*ck*ng good. ' He rasped in his s*xy voice. His utterance brought forth goosebumps all over my exposed skin. My body was betraying me at the moment. My eyes flicked down on the front of his pants. A good outline of his appendage forced blood to flow further between my legs, making my cl*t become more engorged. He was hard for me, his gigantic erection pressed on his zipper. My hands itched so much to stretch and feel it, touch it beneath my fingers. They wanted to caress it gently, they yearned to pleasure the Alpha male. 'See what you do to me? ' He rasped, massaging his front in a sensual manner. 'Your smell, d*mn! It makes me want to jump on you for eternity. Pin you beneath me, while you scream my name over and over again in raw uncensored pleasure. ******* Living in a pack of werewolves as the only witch, Tamara has had a fair of insults from the pack members. That changes when she is mated to the alpha of the pack, alpha Ryker. A prophecy requires them to work as a team to defeat their enemies.

Chapter 1


I was so lost in my thoughts when I heard the crunching of the crinkly leaves and grass. I was seated on the forest floor, resting my back on a gnarled old tree. Listening closely, I could determine the number of footsteps paddling on the ground. There were at least two people moving in my direction.

I didn't want to risk anything. It could have been a bad person, and there was no way I was waiting there to find out. I could have held my own and defended myself, but I always avoided such situations. I hated confrontations with my whole being, and today wasn't going to be the day where I suddenly liked them.

In an instant, I jumped onto the lowest branch, gripping it with my right hand. The left hand was on the trunk, with my thighs on either side of it. I had done this so many times with my late father that I had no problems using my upper body force and calves to push myself up the tree. I climbed up gracefully and quickly to avoid being seen by the approaching party.

The tree was bushy, and its dark green leaves were so big that it was easy to hide in between them and go unnoticed. I always masked my scent, so nobody would detect me up here, werewolf or not.

I made myself comfortable on one of the branches, behind the leaves, once I was further up from the ground and on the tree. I was confident that no one would see me here unless they were specifically looking for me.

Even before I looked down to the ground, I heard weak, despairing feminine whimpers. The sounds were so soft feeble, they were barely audible. When I finally looked down, my eyes grew wide as they fed on and took in the scene. The shock, however, wore off quickly and was replaced by uncensored anger.

Below, on the ground, was a petite girl, quite around my height, maybe 5 ft. She was a sobbing mess, with her arms tied behind her back with what seemed like a rope. Her clothes were clearly torn and tattered by claws. Her brown hair stuck to her face, some strands catching in between her thin, pale lips.

A stench of dried blood hit my nose, my eyes confirming it by just looking at the bruises on her arms and legs. A large hand with a venous arm was gripping her right elbow, holding her in place. Her feeble attempts to break free from the monster of a man were futile. She was firmly held, and clearly, there wasn't going to be a miraculous escape for her. The owner of the hand was a tall individual, 6 feet or more.

Even from this height, I could see how his eyes bulged out of their sockets. I could tell that his nose was slightly crooked even from this angle. His hair was surprisingly kempt, but the menacing smile his lips formed was clearly that of a dangerous person.

His presence commanded a dark, evil power that sent chills down my spine, but I wasn't one to back down. I had an advantage over him because he knew not of my presence. The girl wouldn't look at him; she only kept on begging. She was barely audible, her voice so hoarse from maybe crying so much or screaming.

I needed to help this girl, and I needed to do it fast. I watched as he pushed her to the ground, her hands still tied behind her back.

He didn't utter a word, and his expression didn't falter even at the girl's cry for mercy. He had a determined look on his face; he was on a mission. A mission that he was set on completing, but not in my presence.

He tore the girl's torn dress completely, leaving her bare for him to do with as he wished. But again, not when I was watching.

My fingertips were burning, ready to light up this evil man and burn him to ashes. But I couldn't allow myself to lose control; otherwise, I'd end up lighting up the entire forest and hurting the poor girl even further. I needed to try to climb down the tree as stealthily as possible.

I wanted to look him dead in the eyes as he gasped for his last breath. Goddess, here I was thinking about killing him when I had never taken any life before, not even that of an insect. But the girl's appearance stirred something in me.

His actions disgusted me; the helpless girl lying on the leafy forest floor ignited rage in me. As much as I tried applying implacable patience, the need to protect overcame my control, and without thinking twice, I jumped down, landing gracefully on the ground.

His frame turned in my direction as my landing finally caught the man's attention. He was surprised at first, but it quickly turned into something different and sinister. His nose flared up before a series of loud sniffs from him filtered over the sounds of the birds and other small creatures.

'No smell on you; have you masked it?' His menacing voice filtered over the girl's cries, stirring a feeling of infirmal revenge in the pit of my stomach.

"Hmmmm," he hummed before continuing.

'Doesn't matter; more p*ssy for me.' He uttered in a sick, grave voice that cultivated even more rage inside of me. I snarled in return, looking deep into his very unblinking dark eyes. They were just two balls of nothingness, except, of course, for malicious intent.

I had no use talking to him, and at that moment, my fingers were letting out small sparkles. Either he couldn't see the sparkles or he just ignored them.

I cast one look at the girl; she was still sobbing but looking at me with terror in her eyes. She was afraid for me, afraid for my life and not hers.

Her cloud was pink; this girl was kind, selfless, loving, and caring. Even when her life was in jeopardy, she was still terrified for my own life.

'I'm going to enjoy f*ck*ng the two of you.' He snaked his tongue over his shrunken, dry lower lip.

'And I'm going to have fun killing you.' A different voice responded—one that was deeper, more commanding, and more powerful than the one the evil man had just used. The thunderous, cripplingly cold sound of it certainly captured our attention.

As our heads turned almost at the same time, Alpha Ryker, the god among men, emerged from the trees. His long strides were calculated and heavy on the forest floor as he approached. I hadn't even heard him approach, and by the look on the man's face, he hadn't either. How had he managed to be so stealthy?

His aura was like a powerful storm; it alone forced us to kneel on one knee, eyes cast down on the ground. Our beings recognized him as the alpha, the leader. His boot-clad feet finally came to a halt in front of the captor.

"We meet again." There was a pause in his cold statement as his face twitched in pure, unfiltered anger.

' Jax ' He addressed the man, his lips pulling into a malicious smile.

The man, who clearly had been referred to as Jax by the cold Alpha, was utterly terrified. His black, empty eyes now showed raw fear. I swear I could visibly see his frame shaking in the alpha's presence.

I had never felt such relief in my life as the Alpha towered over us, his unwavering, fiery gaze fixed on the man on his knees. Another whimper from the girl had his gaze turning to us, briefly looking at the girl before he finally looked at me. His expression wavered briefly before he blinked and turned again to look at Jax.

"Let the fun begin." 'Alpha Ryker smirked.

And then he lunged.

Chapter 2

I stood by my bedroom window, watching as the sun gradually dipped below the horizon. The twinkle in my eyes was a clear appreciation of nature even as my mind ruminated over the day's happenings.

The heat that was brought forth by the yellow star began to ebb away, paving way for a warmth that promised a good night.

The setting sunbeams of light scattered all over, leaving the sky ablaze with the fire. It was indeed an undeniable beautiful site.

The sun rays painted the sky with a mixture of red and orange. The colours blended well with my fire yellow window curtains that were neatly drawn.

Watching the sun sink deep on the horizon brought some peace to my mind. The beautiful natural sight helped me push back the horrible images my very eyes had been subjected to earlier.

I had watched as the Alpha lunged, shifting mid-air into a midnight black wolf. The four-legged monster shook its fur, snarling at the man. The massive wolf went straight for the

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