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Destiny B

  • 👁 8.5K
  • 9.1
  • 📚 4


Book cover
  • Author: Destiny B
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.2K
  • 9.7

"What about you? You know you can't just drink your troubles away." "Hey, don't judge me! I've had a crappy week," I scowl back at him defensively. Betrayed by a boyfriend and fired by the company. Worry clouds in his eyes, but it's gone in a blink of an eye, replaced by a mask of indifference. Suddenly, I fall out of the barstool, and strong arms swiftly wrap around my waist, stopping me from embarrassing myself further. "Woah, you okay?" his warm breath fans against the nape of my neck, sending tingles up my spine. Or maybe that's just the alcohol. He pulls me closer, his arms wrapping tightly around my upper body to keep me steady. I can feel the firmness of his abs pressing against my back, and I gasp. "That's enough for you, ma'am. Do you have someone to take you home?" the bartender asks. I would call Candy, but she's probably busy at work and I know after seeing me hammered like this, I would have to open up about my f*ck*d *p week and I'm still not looking forward to that. So, my only hope is the s*xy stranger. I try to ask him to help me to my car, but my slurred words make it uncertain if he understood. He glares down at me, nostrils flaring, and firmly states, "No. I'm taking you home." *** Kiara Black and Trey Thompson have a one night stand after meeting each other at a bar, attempting to find solace from their personal problems. Days later, Kiara attends a welcome home party for her best friend's brother that she's never met before. After finding out that she accidentally slept with Candice's brother, she makes it her mission to avoid Trey at all cost, but he's determined to make her fall in love with him.

Book cover
  • Author: Destiny B
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 13
  • 7.5

"Just f*ck my life," I snarl, "I need some fresh air." "I see you're still in a bad mood," a familiar, hated voice drawls, dripping with with arrogance. Jaxon leans against the wall beside me, the heat from his body radiating like a furnace. Some sick impulse inside me wants to lean against him, just to see how it feels, but there's no way in hell I'm allowing that to happen. "Maybe if you would stop stalking me, I wouldn't be," I snap, turning my back to him. He lets out a low snort. "Please. I just keep running into you by accident." "Well, you won't have to worry about that soon." "And why is that?" he asks, a hint of curiosity creeping into his voice. I meet his eyes, but the intensity is too much, so I look away. "Why do you care? You'll be Alpha soon, and you can continue f*ck*ng all the pack sluts your heart desires. That's if you even have a heart," I growl bitterly. WARNINGS: s****l CONTENT, DOMESTIC ABUSE, SUICIDE, GRIEF, AND VIOLENCE! Melanie Stokes is Alpha Damon’s eldest daughter and heir. Jaxon Miller is the fatherless male wolf that snatches the title right from underneath her. After they begin to work together as Alpha and Beta, they make a deal to have a casual relationship until the Mating Ball, when they will both meet their mates and decide their fates from then. What happens when Jaxon discovers they are mates a month before the ball and that the Moon Goddess chose her from birth to become a member of “The Alpha Council” that will force her to leave the pack? Can he make her fall in love with him before her hatred causes her to reject him? Can love even prevail the challenges they will face if she does choose him? Find out when you read, “Alpha Jaxon” by Destiny B.

Book cover
  • Author: Destiny B
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 3.7K
  • 10.0

"What's your name, princess?" Princess. It sent a shiver down my spine, and my entire body seemed to catch fire. "Angelique," I managed to respond in a hushed tone, uncertain if he caught my name amid the chaotic beating of my heart. "Angelique," he purred, his voice a sensuous melody, "a perfect name for someone as enchantingly beautiful as you are." My name rolled off his tongue like velvet, each syllable caressing the air. Holy sh*t, was it hot in here, or was it just me? "Uh, thanks. What's yours?" I inquired, capturing my bottom lip between my teeth. His gaze fixated on the subtle movement, and he moistened his lips with a slow, deliberate flick of his tongue, sending heat straight to my core. "Dante Greene. I'm surprised you haven't heard about me," he said, his eyes dancing with amusement, as if he could sense the effect he had on me. Could you imagine? I would literally die right now if he knew why I kept shifting in my seat. Gushes of heat were currently pooling in my underwear like a relentless waterfall, and the more he spoke and stared at me like a predator locked on its prey, the more intense it got... *** 17-year-old Angelique Baker is forced to move to a new town under mysterious circumstances. Starting a new school at the end of her senior year has already turned her world upside down, but just wait until she finds out she's mated to a werewolf and discovers the secrets her dad has been keeping from her since her mom's disappearance.


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