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Book cover
  • Author: faithuba
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 24
  • 7.5

"Oh, sweet, naïve Amara." Lucy’s voice was dripping with malice now. "Do you think all of this was just a coincidence? The ambush? The attack on your precious Xander? The loss of your baby? No, dear sister, this was all me." Amara stared at her in shock, her mind struggling to comprehend the horror of what Lucy was saying. "What do you mean?" Lucy leaned closer, her eyes gleaming with evil glee. "I planned the ambush. I made sure Xander would die, and I made sure you would lose everything." Amara felt the ground crumbling beneath her. "Why would you do this?" Lucy let out a laugh, cold and bitter. "Why? Because I’ve hated you from the moment you stepped into our family. You, the perfect little daughter. The precious little princess who always got everything she wanted. Luna, the Queen of the Alphas. You took everything from me." Amara shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I never took anything from you. I was your sister." Lucy’s eyes flashed with fury. "You were nothing to me! Nothing! Do you know how hard it was living in your shadow? Watching you get everything—power, love, respect—while I got nothing? But not anymore." Amara could hardly breathe. Her mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of Lucy’s madness. She couldn’t believe it. Lucy, her sister, was behind the ambush, behind Xander’s death, behind her baby's death. And now... she wanted to kill her too. "You’re insane," Amara whispered, her voice trembling. Lucy smiled a cold, cruel smile that sent shivers down Amara’s spine. "Maybe. But now I have everything I want. Xander is dead, and soon, so will you." So Amara died and was reborn. It was back to the night when all these started two years ago. And now she is no longer the trustworthy and kind person she used to be. She is back, and she is here to take revenge!


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