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Kay May

  • Unlocked Chapters: 247
  • Novel Reviews: 3

Favorite Novels

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  • 👁 7.9K
  • 9.7

Aliens are living among us unknown to us humans. Five Hot Alien Brothers to be exact. The Spencer Brothers, Gabriel, Mitchell, Chase, Gailan, and Lucas Book One- Her secret protector- She is single and pregnant and he is a hot single CEO. He has a secret. She now works for him and he wants her for himself.  Her life is in danger, he will do anything to protect her. Anything. (Gabriel & Alana's Story) Book Two- Property Damage- She is single and out of work. He is a hot CEO with a job offer. She damaged his pride and joy, 65 Mustang in a fender bender, and since she has no insurance. He has her working for the cost of the damage to his car. He has a secret and a reason for keeping her on at his company. Her fragrance calls to him, he knows she is his. (Mitchell & Kellie's Story) Book Three- Chasing Dreams- Chase Spencer has the same dream about the same woman. When he finally meets her, he begins to understand his ability to see the future. Now not only is he dreaming of her he can’t seem to get her out of his mind. The only thing is she doesn’t like him she only wants to be friends with benefits. Can he win her heart and find love? He will keep trying no matter what happens. He will win over the woman of his dreams. (Chase & Brianna's Story) (Stories with Gailan and Lucas as well as their mates, will come out later) Content Warning: Explicit love scenes. Guaranteed HEA with no cliffhangers. Intended for mature audiences. 18+

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  • Author: Dhishna
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 432
  • 7.5

I had not even had my first kiss yet and the hunger was growing day by day. The pecan-brown sleeping beauty had started to disturb my senses. I wanted to get out of there, but I was scared someone would rob her of her innocence. I had trouble trusting creatures around me, ever since I had been betrayed by my own blood. *** Prepare to be enthralled as you delve into the gripping tale of Ezrah Helek Khiba, a young man whose life takes an unexpected turn in the heart of Lesotho. In this captivating story, Ezrah's tranquil existence is shattered when his malevolent uncle, Tarsus Khiba, unleashes a devastating plot to attain supernatural powers. Driven by a sinister desire for immortality and fuelled by his insatiable thirst for dark forces, Tarsus sets his sights on Ezrah, who unknowingly possesses the key to his diabolical plans. Guided by his nefarious black magic practices, Tarsus manipulates events to lead Ezrah to a fateful encounter with the dormant Bat King, Ponahatso. Little does Tarsus know that his scheme will take an unexpected twist, forever altering the course of Ezrah's life. Thrust into a world of supernatural beings and haunted by remorse for his unintended actions, Ezrah flees his homeland in search of solace and a new beginning. To his astonishment, he discovers an extraordinary ability to shape-shift into various forms, granting him unimaginable powers and speed beyond comprehension. As Ezrah seeks refuge on the enigmatic Voir Island, home to jinns, werewolves, and witches, he is crowned King, leading a life of power and privilege. Yet, his newfound tranquility is disrupted when a mysterious stranger arrives, triggering a perilous journey of self-discovery and untamed desires. Prepare to be spellbound by this gripping narrative as Ezrah navigates a treacherous path, battling inner demons and external adversaries. Will he succumb to the darkness within or find the strength to conquer his own fate? Lose yourself in this enthralling tale that seamlessly blends supernatural elements, gripping suspense, and a dash of forbidden allure, leaving you craving for more with each turn of the page.

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  • 👁 39.2K
  • 8.8

When I was a child, my grandma used to tell me stories. At the time, I never gave them much thought. Thinking they were just that… stories. Growing up, I soon realized that they weren’t lofty fantasies and fairy tales but memories of her past, memories of our ancestors before our world turned to sh*t. You see, what comes from legend, no matter how exaggerated the story becomes, there is always a sliver of truth. You just need to weed out the fiction from fact. My grandmother used to tell me stories of the Chosen One—the one who would save us all. When I was younger, I used to believe that what she said was true. Eventually, someone would be born, just as the Oracle predicted—someone who could save our souls and bind us back to our magic. Once I grew up and saw the world unfolding around me, I no longer believed in salvation. The chosen one seemed to be more of a prayer than reality. Some dream we wanted desperately to come true. Something in which we needed to find hope when there wasn’t any left. When our ancestors turned their backs on us, how were we expected to believe in this so-called salvation? Especially when all we witnessed was death and carnage ever since the great war. Nothing except pain and poverty. I used to believe the stories and used to pray for the mysterious chosen one that would rid our world of its evil. Now, though, I see it for what it really is, just a dream of hope. Some out of reach fairy-tale. A story to create hope. Hope is dangerous; it makes you believe things will get better. I stopped hanging on to hope when I witnessed firsthand that it caused nothing but heartache.


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