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Hello, my name is SIA! Enjoy my story🤍


Book cover
  • Author: SIA_
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.1K
  • 7.6

Clara Timothy is a prostitute who is forced to work in prostitution to pay for the treatment of her younger brother, Anthony. One night, she meets Lucas Mark Axton—a ruthless mafia who likes BDSM in sexual relationships. She doesn’t know what happened, but since that night Lucas has always been looking for her—trying hard to get her. Clara only accepts clients once. She doesn’t want to have s*x with the same man a second time. However, due to Lucas’s high offer, Clara accepted his offer—becoming his submissive, where she was only allowed to have s*x with Lucas until their agreement expired. At first, Clara only sees their relationship as a job between the boss and slave, but more and more, she falls in love with him. And things get more complicated after Clara finds out that Lucas was the cause of the death of her parents. Her parents’ accident three years ago was caused by an assault car chasing Lucas’ mafia network. So what will Clara do? Will she still choose to continue her life as if nothing happened? Can she save Anthony when she is drowning in her problems? *** “How much money do you need?” Lucas asked while stroking Clara’s naked back who was sleeping beside him. After they reached the climax, they took a short rest, neutralizing the heartbeats and breaths that were shouted at each other. Clara didn’t answer, but Lucas was sure she was listening. “Just stay here tonight and I’ll give you my debit card. You may take as much as you want.” Lucas continued to rub Clara’s back— starting to move lower and lower until he touched her lower abdomen. “Stop it,” Clara muttered under her breath. Lucas raised his eyebrow. Here they go again. “I’ll go home. Call me if you need me. My price is still the same.” She said as she left.


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