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The chubby girls also fall un love

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Amber Weys is a 17 year old girl with prominent curves and it is well known that during adolescence boys are usually very hard, bullying is more serious every day leading Amber almost to madness, one of the main perpetrators of her bullying is Adam Raymond an important player of the school, acclaimed by all and envied by others. But his life is not perfect, he was abandoned by his parents which led him to depression, fortunately he received help from the person he least expected, making them both live that first teenage love, but sometimes life takes unexpected turns.


Laurie andreas

Review after half of the novel

I just love reading about plus size and chubby girls. There are not many stories to read. I feel this character because I am a plus size women. I was treated the way she is my whole life. I was bullied and pranked. It stays with you your entire life. Please continue to write about true aspects of people's lives. Whether it be chubby girls, nerdy guys and just people who feel like outcasts. We are people too! We have feelings and know we are fat without people telling us that. We are smart and proud to be. Please stop this treatment of people because they are not like you. Thank you for the wonderful story.

March 6, 2024

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