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  • 👁 4.2K
  • 10.0

“Stay away, stay away from me, stay away,” she shouted, over and over. She kept shouting even though it seemed she had run out of things to throw. Zane was more than a little interested in knowing exactly what was going on. But he couldn’t focus with the woman making a ruckus. “Will you shut the fuck up!” he roared at her. She fell silent and he saw tears start to fill her eyes, her lips trembled. Oh fuck, he thought. Like most men, a crying woman scared him shitless. He would rather have a gunfight with a hundred of his worst enemies than have to deal with one crying woman. “And your name is?” he asked. “Ava,” she told him in a thin voice. “Ava Cobler?” he wanted to know. Her name had never sounded so beautiful before, it surprised her. She almost forgot to nod. “My name is Zane Velky,” he introduced himself, holding out a hand. Ava’s eyes grew bigger as he heard the name. Oh no, not that, anything but that, she thought. “You have heard of me,” he smiled, he sounded satisfied. Ava nodded. Everyone who lived in the city knew the name Velky, it was the largest mafia group in the state with its centre in the city. And Zane Velky was the head of the family, the don, the big boss, the huge honcho, the Al Capone of the modern world. Ava felt her panicked brain spin out of control. “Calm down, angel,” Zane told her and placed his hand on her shoulder. His thumb went down in front of her throat. If he squeezed, she would be struggling to breathe, Ayya realised, but somehow his hand calmed her mind. “That’s a good girl. You and I need to have a talk,” he told her. Ava’s mind objected to being called a girl. It irritated her even though she was scared. “Who hit you?” he asked. Zane moved his hand to tilt her head to the side so he could look at her cheek and then at her lip. ******************Ava is kidnapped and is forced to realise her uncle has sold her to the Velky family to get out of his gambling debts. Zane is the head of the Velky family cartel. He is hard, brutal, dangerous and deadly. His life don't have room for love or relationships, but he has needs as any hotblooded man. Trigger warnings: Talk about SA Body image issues Light BDSM Descriptive descriptions of assaults Self harm Harsh language

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  • Author: Cali Roni
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.5K
  • 9.8

Sinopsis: Luka, era un joven huérfano, debido a que su madre había fallecido, consecuencia de sus adicciones, cuando él era muy pequeño y su padre, a los pocos meses de eso, lo había abandonado a su suerte. Como resultado de ello, se crio en las calles, mezclándose con toda clase de gente a cuál pero que la anterior. Primero fue miembro de un par de pandillas, hasta que, en una disputa de territorio, terminó mal herido, eso hizo que el capo de una familia de la mafia, la más poderosa, que le venía haciendo un seguimiento, lo encontrara al borde de la muerte. Así que se lo llevó, le salvó la vida y terminó ganándose su lealtad. Haciendo que se convirtiera en su mano derecha primero y luego en el CEO de sus empresas. Alicia, la nieta de ese mafioso, fue secuestrada de niña junto con su madre por el capo de una familia rival, su verdadero abuelo, quien le había perdido el rastro, pero no había dejado de buscarlas jamás, consigue dar con su paradero. Trata de negociar con el secuestrador, pero éste no cede, así que envía, como último recurso, a su mano derecha, Luka. Quien termina recuperando a la niña. Niña que vuelve a ser cautiva, pero ahora de su abuelo, y cuando cree que será libre al fin para elegir como vivir y a quien amar, se ve obligada a casarse con su último raptor. Ninguno de los jóvenes se ama, es más, ni siquiera se conocen, pero deben hacerlo, la pregunta es; ¿llegarán a enamorarse? y ¿podrá, aquella niña, ahora convertida en mujer, perdonar lo que le hizo éste hombre en contra del que ella creía su padre? No te pierdas esta historia donde hay matrimonio arreglado, CEO, mafia, desencuentros, y mucho más.

Book cover
  • Author: Hemme-E
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 1.6K
  • 9.7

I'd been stripped to almost nothing because of my stubborness. My upper body was left uncovered and my breasts were on display, though that was the least of my problems. A tear escaped my eyes then and I watched it fall down to my chest and slide down my exposed breast. I turned to wipe my face with my arm but it barely worked. I was hot and sweaty. My eyes went back to the crowd and my gaze fell on someone sitting at the back. For a second, I forgot how my lungs worked. Lucia I'd lost my parents at a young age, been tossed from one abusive chaotic home to the other until I'd finally decided I couldn't take it anymore and had run away. Only running away had made it worse. Way worse. For a moment it seemed like I'd found love. He was kind and caring and sweet. But even that didn't last. I told myself then that I was completely done. At first I didn't want to live at all. Later on, I just wanted to live long enough to get my revenge on everyone who had dared to make my life miserable. I never expected I would want to live for him. Bruno Inheriting a ruthless top mafia gang at a very young age did a lot of damage to someone. It certainly did a whole lot of damage to me. Fucked me up so bad I could no longer tell what was right from what was wrong. I could no longer separate what I needed to do from what I wanted to do. And it was fine, really. I didn't give a flying fuck what anyone thought about it. It was who I was now and there was no going back. At least that was what I'd thought. Seeing her up there, hands tied above her head as she waited for whatever asshole was going to buy her at the auction caused some kind of reaction in me. It was enough to tell me that I should probably let someone else buy her so she could be their problem. Unfortunately I'd never been one to stop myself from making a wrong decision. So I bought her anyway. And who would have guessed? She turned out to be the best decision I'd ever made.
