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The chubby girls also fall un love

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Amber Weys is a 17 year old girl with prominent curves and it is well known that during adolescence boys are usually very hard, bullying is more serious every day leading Amber almost to madness, one of the main perpetrators of her bullying is Adam Raymond an important player of the school, acclaimed by all and envied by others. But his life is not perfect, he was abandoned by his parents which led him to depression, fortunately he received help from the person he least expected, making them both live that first teenage love, but sometimes life takes unexpected turns.


Deanna De Ávila

Review after the novel completion

This book was definitely a journey the author makes you feel like you know these people it's definitely an amazing book and I highly recommend this for anyone that is interested in plot twist, romance, nostalgia, etc. My biggest props go out to the other, continue creating you have so much potential. I hope to read more about amber and adam, maybe also find out what happened to max, and so much more! Thank you again and I hope you enjoy as much as I did

March 20, 2024

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