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Stuck between two bad boys

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  • 8.0
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One thing is certain that Emily could not tell the difference between love and feelings.    Emily struggled in a confusing love triangle between Devin, the bad boy bully in school, and her stepbrother Xavier who bullies her at home.    "You are mine, Emily!" Xavier groaned in raw frustration.    He looked over Emily's shoulders and noticed Devin staring at them. Since his stepsister started dating the bad boy, his love and obsession for her increased as his hatred for Devin increased as well.    It hurts him to see the girl he loves so much getting comfortable with the bad Boy he has an unspeakable history with.    "I love you, Emily" Xavier smirked as he moved closer to her "You belong to me sister or not!"    He pulled her closer and smashed her lips in a forbidden kiss while Devin watched!



Review after the novel completion

I didn't like the ending. Too many unfinished parts. Like the story wasn't really finished. This story needs major editing as there are many spelling mistakes and parts where the gender was wrong. It needs more details in many parts so you can keep up with what is happening. I would have liked to see more sexual encounters in this type of story and have them be more detailed. The stuff with the dad was just weird and left unanswered questions.

March 19, 2024

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