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The Rejected Rogue Queen

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"I Aiden accept you, Janelle Rose, as my mate and Luna of The White Oak Pack." His words are like a punch to the gut. Sucking all the air from my lungs. "How!?" I gasp, gripping my sides. "He-he… She's not his mate. I'm his mate!" I scream... "You dare stake a claim on my mate!" Shrieks Janelle, "How dare you! Aiden! I will not stand for this kind of disrespect! She needs to go! NOW!" Glaring at her, I turn my attention to Aiden. His eyes soften if only for a second. "I Alpha Aiden Timberland, banish you Vex Riverton from The White Oak Pack!" It's like a knife is plunged into my heart as I drop to my knees. "Remove her!" Aiden says, turning, with Janelle hanging on his arm. "I never want to see her again!" That moment changed my life forever—I was no longer part of a community or even a family... Well, almost... but because of it, I gained a strength I never knew I had and power I never thought I'd possess.


Leleh Mopalami

Review after the novel completion

Hi, it took me a bit of vacation to finish this one, well I really don't like te cliffhanger that is great ending, now after bring so sire they are mates, I find myself doubting their bond, is it a wish from the witch, or did she just help her what was rightfully her? I guess we won't know, unless ofvoz there is a second boo, oh I love me some of those. Hope they are true mates though, I still can't stand Janelle, even in death.

May 2, 2024

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