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The Pack's Rebels

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Book five in The Havermouth Pack Series - Book One, The Pack's Secret Keeper, Book Two, The Pack's Triquetra, Book Three, The Pack's Vampire, and Book Four, The Pack's Hybrids. Please note, trigger warnings from previous books apply. Will there be a happily ever after? With Havermouth under the control of the Van Helsings, the Triquetra, Aislen and Talen are divided at the outset of a war to end all wars. Zombies and other dangerous supernatural creatures have been set loose upon the town by the explosions at the high school, and the humans of Havermouth have had enough of staying inside without power or medical support. And what is the pack upto? Will the supernatural world be revealed to humankind?



Review after the novel completion

This series has been a very heart wrenching and suspenseful story! I can’t wait to hear more about the happily ever after for this group and the connecting characters mentioned in the story. The author has a way to get you to love the main characters even when they do something that doesn’t always seem right. So to come this far to start to see how all of them characters have evolved over the series has been amazing.

December 4, 2023

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