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The Imperial Wolf

  • 👁 28.5K
  • 7.5
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The Imperial Wolf Series Books 1-3 Kate lives with her father, who is a rogue wolf and a drunk with a serious gambling problem. He has sold all of their possessions for gambling money or to cover his debts to the pack casino. When the Alpha's henchmen come to collect his latest debt, he has nothing to offer but his daughter. The Alpha's henchmen take his daughter to serve the Alpha and work off her father's debt. What they do not know is she is a descendant of a line of wolves with special abilities. Is Kate an Imperial Wolf? What happens when the Alpha's son takes a special interest in Kate and her uniqueness?


Aliehs Ecir

Review after half of the novel

Highly invested in this book! It’s much different from the others I have rea, where they find their mates and have all the love sparkles. This is much more a damsel/cinderella story and I love it! I love Erick’s love for her! There were so many plot twists in the beginning I wasn’t prepared for! Between Karen and Angie, I feel like even though Karen betrayed her I like her better and I’m more curious to learn about her son as well.

December 26, 2023

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