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The Beasts Substitute Bride

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  • 9.2
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EXCERPT "The choosing is not malicious or personal. To the family that gets chosen, you have a week to prepare your daughter. Say your last goodbyes and when the men come to take her, do not struggle with them. Simply hand her over to the guards" The hall was tense as everyone waited for his final decision. And he just remained silent. At one point I wanted to scream at him. "Hinsley." He called their name and hesitated. He had a solemn look on his face and I was convinced that family had been chosen. I visibly relaxed and waited for him to complete it. "You may take your seat" my head jerked up. His eyes were on the Hinsley girl. Was he? Was he telling her to take her seat? I looked at him and his eyes caught mine. "Dolivo. Your family has been chosen" For over a hundred years, the human town has provided the next mate for the reigning beasts and this year, a bride is required. Paisley and Nevaeh are from the family mandated to provide the next bride for the reigning beast. Nevaeh has been selected as the eldest daughter while Paisley is engaged to a man she loves. What happens when Nevaeh runs away the night before her collection and Paisley is asked to go in place of her sister to be the bride of the beast.


Amburr Irene

Review after half of the novel

This story keeps me wanting to know what’s going to happen next. Why do I feel like her whole family is in on it. Like the knew her fiancé wasn’t shit so they made this elaborate plan to so she did married him. I hope that’s the case otherwise the sister is a selfish b*tch!! The mating ceremony is about to be legit. I need them to hurry and figure this out though, cause I’m impatient

April 8, 2024

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