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The Alpha's Queen

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Aria's pack was completely wiped out by vampires 15 years ago. The then 3-year-old owed it solely to her mother's quick actions that she had survived, because she brought her to a village of humans...Today Aria is of legal age and a true beauty.She knows what she is. Knows that she is different, but there are legends that there are hardly any female wolves left in the world, since the vampires no longer tolerate the existence of the werewolves. Aria's pack was completely wiped out by vampires 15 years ago. The then 3-year-old owed it solely to her mother's quick actions that she had survived, because she brought her to a village of humans...Today Aria is of legal age and a true beauty.She knows what she is. Knows that she is different, but there are legends that there are hardly any female wolves left in the world, since the vampires no longer tolerate the existence of the werewolves.

Chapter 1


Aria Spring;

Completely overwhelmed, I turned around in my

room several times because I was looking for my

keys, which I simply couldn't find.

"What a damn-!"

"Arial" I heard Gloria call out from the kitchen and

I was already rolling my eyes in frustration. I knew

exactly what she wanted to say. “We don't curse”

"Sorry!", I called her towards the kitchen and could

hardly believe my luck when I suddenly discovered

my key in the chaos in front of me.

Yes, I was anything but tidy and yet I always found

my way around the system I had created myself.

The system was actually very simple... there was


I quickly grabbed my key, then grabbed my brownbackpack and casually slung it over my shoulder to

run quickly into the kitchen.

"You're going to be late on your first day," Gloria

admonished, raising an eyebrow, handing me a

cup of chamomile tea while I nervously chewed my

bottom lip.

"No, I'll manage," I replied sheepishly and

hurriedly emptied the cup while she stepped next

to me and fiddled with my black, loose hair.

"Gloria!" I spoke to her slightly irritated and looked

deep into her brown, warm eyes to briefly examine

her short gray hair.

"It's okay," she smiled and luckily let go of me

again. She really was the complete opposite of me

and that's exactly why we got into each other's

wool so often.

She, the woman who cared more about order than

anything else, and I, the girl who was left outside

her house...

She certainly had me to thank for her gray hair,

after all, I often drove her to the brink of madness.

First my tongue piercing, after three weeks she

probably only spoke to me about the most

necessary things...

Then my driver's license for a scooter, after which

she would wait nervously on the porch whenever I

was late again...

And now my job, which was basically taking care

of the animals in the wildlife park...

Yes, she definitely had me to thank for her gray


"Please take care of yourself," she tore me out of

my thoughts with her warm voice and kissed me

on my forehead, after which I looked at her

encouragingly and nodded in agreement."I always do."

I left the house, ran to my cute red scooter and put

on my helmet before I drove off and enjoyed the

sun today.

As we drove, the thought came back to me that

maybe I should just tell her what I really was. If

she knew I was a wolf, I'm sure she wouldn't worry


After all, my wounds healed faster than humans

and even the biggest bear in the wildlife park

couldn't have harmed me at all...

But I couldn't tell her because I didn't want to put

her in danger and so I was completely alone with

my secret.

When I finally arrived on the outskirts of our small

town, I already saw Pasqua's Mercedes in the

parking lot... my dream man and still

unreachable... I got off my scooter, pulled the helmet off my head

and tried to somehow fix my messy hair before I

ran towards his car with sweaty hands and a good

beating heart."Well," he greeted me and got out of the car at the

same time and I literally felt the heat find its way

into my cheeks.

"Hey," I replied shyly, biting back a shake of my

head at my stupid way of dealing with him.

After all, in the summer when I had my period I

often had to deal with strange wolves and put

them in their place. In addition, I had already

killed several vampires who had dared to venture

too far into my territory, but with Pasqua I was

like a little girl who couldn't get out a decent

sentence anymore...

Those beautiful blue eyes, the blond hair lying to

one side, and he always wore those nice shirts that

he always tucked neatly into his jeans.

"Aria?" he suddenly spoke to me louder and only

then did I notice how close he was suddenly

standing in front of me and eyeing me with

irritation. "Are you doing well?"Shit! I could almost feel myself drooling on him

and quickly ran the sleeve of my dark denim jacket

over my lips as he watched in amusement.

If only he looked at me like the other girls... But he

looked at me like Aria... Aria, his best buddy...


"Can we then?"

I nodded to him and although it would probably

never be more than a friendship between us, I was

really happy not to have to worry about the

wildlife park alone.

"Here you are at last,” Robert, who was in charge

here, greeted us and handed us both green vests

that looked anything but fashionable. "We're only

taking care of the inner part of the park today. We

can't go into the forest until next week."

"Why?" Pasqua wanted to know immediately andmy eyes locked on his for a moment until I pulled

myself together and laid my denim jacket on a

bench behind me.

"Because of the wolves. We saw some tonight and I

certainly won't put you in danger on your first


Completely irritated by his statement, I paused for

a moment and stuck my nose upwind, but there

wasn't even the slightest pinch of other wolves in

the air. That could hardly be possible.

"What are you doing there?" Pasqua whispered

sideways into my ear and I immediately stopped

sniffing and looked at him with hunched


"Enjoy the fresh breeze."

He didn't seem to care and Robert also turned his

back on us, while we then put on the vests and

followed him through a large gate that seemedalmost inconspicuous between the high wooden


And then I smiled happily.

Far and wide only meadows, forests and the

beguiling scent of freedom! How many times have

I run around here at night as a she-wolf, having

fun annoying the night watch here. I loved it!

Robert and Pasqua we then walked further ahead

down the meadow and I let my gaze wander over

to the forest while the wind blew hard through my


But then, all of a sudden, the smile vanished from

my face as, completely unexpectedly, I was blown

into my subconscious by a smell that made

everything inside me yelp...


Chapter 2


My legs became shaky, my heart almost jumped

out of my chest and I looked overwhelmed in

Pasqua's direction, who turned to me at that

moment because he probably noticed that I had


"Aria?" It came out of his mouth questioningly and

I stared at him for help, certain that there was a

wolf in the forest next to us who was sure to be

watching us constantly.

"I have to go immediately," I uttered quietly and

then simply turned around. I walked faster and

faster back to the main house and when I was out

of sight of them I ran as fast as I could to my

scooter and sat on it to start it with shaking


As I pulled away and drove down the broad main

street, I realized one thing. I couldn't go home. I

felt like I was being watched, even now that I was

in constant motion, and then another thoughtcame to me. If he wanted to find my home, he


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