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Best Romance Novels

Sold To The Alpha Boss

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Davina had nothing else in her mind except to graduate high school, find a date to prom, save up enough money to attend college, get a job and make her parents' life easier. But plans do change, trouble is, she doesn’t know if her plan change is going to make her life better or make her miserable. Everything turned upside down when a loan shark crashed down her parents door and set his eyes on her, the single word that left his lips, changed her entire life forever.



Review after the novel completion

I enjoyed this story. The ending was very satisfying. Hope to see more books from this author. The characters were a bit annoying at the beginning and it made me want to tear my head out cos why would Davina be so naive or why would the male lead act like an asshat! But in the end they started getting better and I'm so glad I stuck around to see their happy ending and witness their beautiful love story. Highly recommended everyone!

December 26, 2024

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