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Mated To A Human

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  • 5.7
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Having a human mate was not something he planned for, but having a human mate beats having no mate at all. What is Alpha Hunter supposed to do when, after wrapping his mind around the fact that his mate is a mere human, he discovers even bigger secrets? His mate was still a minor who was a month away from her eighteenth birthday, and she had been maltreated for so long by her father that she had a hard time getting close to any human, especially men. How was he to get his mate if she was scared of physical contact?



Review after half of the novel

Its great, some miss spellings but otherwise great. Cant wait to see What happends next. Maybe a triggerwarning about S/A would be good Since not everyone is comfortable reading about these kinds of things. I am impressed of How strong she is to be able to handle all that has happend to her and also very pleased with How good he treats her taking in consideration What she has been through. They seem like a perfect match but i guess the story will tell What happends to them.

November 5, 2024

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