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Mated To A Human Reviews



Review after the novel completion

I'm really enjoying the book so far. I like the growth of Melody as a character. And hope that she is comfortable enough soon to really trust in Hunter. He is really trying to show her a new way of life and it's enjoyable to see. I hope that she learns to fully embrace all that he is trying to show her without putting to much stock in the ways of the past. Rebecca really got on my nerves in the beginning but she had grown on me as a character.

July 25, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Its great, some miss spellings but otherwise great. Cant wait to see What happends next. Maybe a triggerwarning about S/A would be good Since not everyone is comfortable reading about these kinds of things. I am impressed of How strong she is to be able to handle all that has happend to her and also very pleased with How good he treats her taking in consideration What she has been through. They seem like a perfect match but i guess the story will tell What happends to them.

November 5, 2024

Arnae' Letina

Review after half of the novel

This novel slowly draws you deeper as the story progresses. The writing allows you to understand each character and their role. As a result of this you are able to really grasp what they feel emotionally and that was you in even more as the reader. From what I have read so far I am eager to see how the as story develops further and how the characters will overcome their obstacles or not. This story has definitely been a page turner and I look forward to seeing how it ends.

October 31, 2024


Review after the novel completion

To start with, its a good novel. The plot of the novel is also good but the writing seems to be a little immature. The dialogue of the novel were fine but there is a scope for improvement. The characters seems to be strong but I felt the novel ended abruptly. I think the relationship of the main characters should have been focussed more instead of her being preparing to be a chef and her relationship with the male characters sister. Overall, the a nice novel.

October 26, 2024

Hannatu Sagoe

Review after the novel completion

I love the story 🀩 I like everything about it. The only problem with the story is the grammatical error that I sometimes find in same parts of the story. .... Please check it and do the correct. Another thing, I hope this is not the end of the story?! .... Because you can't just end a story in the middle of nowhere. ...... You can't leave it here.... We need the continuity of the story. I will be waiting for the updates and please make it faster.....

October 19, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Its okay. The mate bond is strong though hunter and her dont struggle with it more. Their wolves are not involved much, which they should be. And to mundane for older guy. Wish author proof read better. New mate relationships should mean everything. The author focuses on wrong things i think. Her mate bond should be everything along with the sisters and friends. Need more depth to the characters. Hunter would want to be involved with his luna more. He would want them to be digether and he would not tolerate other wolves with her

September 21, 2024

hi It’s Sheenah

Review after half of the novel

I love the book thou it's sensitive reading it's great. The build up of characters also is amazing other than reading a book that is rushed for characters to reach a certain point. It's realistic considering it's a book and the setting and plot also is on point. My only issue is that there is a lot of grammatical errors in the book and punctuation is not it. It would be nice if the writer one day decided to edit the book. But the errors aren't that bad because as a reader I can work my way around what the writer was trying to say it might be a simple auto correct that changed the words but other than that I'm really happy with the book.

September 16, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Great storyline unfortunately a bit of poor writing but cute nonetheless 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰 😍 😊 😚 🐻 🐰

September 14, 2024

Carmen Perez V

Review after half of the novel

TodavΓ­a no tengo la suficiente informaciΓ³n para dejar una reseΓ±a significativa. Los personajes son bastante planos, aunque el trauma sufrido no necesita ser tratado en profundidad y se agradece. Describe bastante bien las secuelas que este tipo de abuso puede causar. El personaje femenino principal sufre de un trauma de abuso fΓ­sico y sexual a cargo de su padre, el cual ha asesorando su madre y ha abusado de ella desde que era una niΓ±a de cinco aΓ±os. El personaje masculino bastante mΓ‘s mayor, intenta acceder a la intimidad de su pareja pero requiere mucho tiempo y esfuerzo.

September 10, 2024

Lory Io

Review after half of the novel

An intresting idea, with a good insight for trauma, and detailed about it. However, intresting, the novel unfortunately seems like it's was written by a child, absolutely not an English native. It's got a lot of repetitive ideas, and sometimes it seems like it goes around in circles. I love a slow burn that keeps you hanging, but this one seems like it's waiting for an idea about what's going to happen as for the first half it's not much going on, not really.

September 3, 2024