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Best Romance Novels

Kidnapped By The Alpha

  • 👁 23.4K
  • 9.2
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What should have been the happiest day of Emma Dane's life turned into a nightmare as she was abducted by a tall masculine man who claimed her to be his soul mate On the other hand, Emma's fiance a powerful Italian mafia set out to get his kidnapped bride back. Two worlds will clash, an Alpha Lycan and a Mafia human Don, fighting for not only dominance but also the power to claim her as their own. Unbeknownst to Emma, she's much more than she thought, what happened when a new enemy is aroused from the past and wanted her dead? Who is the enemy and Why? torn between love, duty, and war, how will She survive the worlds she's thrown into?



Review after the novel completion

Oh my this book is so interesting. I just don’t understand how Morgana thinks that she can mate with Jet. She is unbelievable also she is causing so much drama. Then she was lying to her niece about Freya being the bad human . You can’t blame her for her father’s mistake. I just wish that there was more to this book. What about her getting pregnant again and having a baby for Jet. I hope you write more chapters.

February 18, 2024

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